Thursday, April 26, 2012

Congressman Miller -- College Students v. Women. Really?

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Rep. George Miller <> wrote:


We did it. Just one month after House Republicans voted to allow student loan interest rates to double, they’ve reversed positions. We said student loan interest rates shouldn’t double - and now they agree.
President Obama, with the support of people like you who said #DontDoubleMyRate, made it clear that this is an issue that affects us – the middle class.

But having solved one problem, we now have another.  Even though Republicans have agreed to keep the interest rate low, they’re cutting critical health care services for women and children to pay for it.  They’re pitting low student loan rates against child immunizations, cervical cancer screening, and care for children with birth defects. Mr. Speaker – I disagree.

The Republicans are forcing Congress to make the wrong choice. Democrats have a different approach.  Our bill would keep the rate low for a year by eliminating a tax loophole that only benefits large oil and gas companies.

What would you do? Which bill would you vote for? Vote now on Facebook.

Standing up for the middle class means keeping the student loan interest rates low, while ensuring affordable access to critical health care services for women and children.

Member of Congress

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