Monday, April 30, 2012

City of Pittsburg: Join the Cool California Challenge

Join the Cool California Challenge
Earn Points for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
Posted Date: 4/30/2012

The Cool California Challenge!

The City has joined the Cool California Challenge and we are competing against 9 other cities in a contest to motivate and reward individuals for reducing their carbon footprints. Join this challenge to help us strive to be California's Coolest City!

How does it work? It's SIMPLE! You get points for environmental actions you already take like recycling or buying locally and bonus points for making changes that lower your carbon footprint. The City with the most points at the end of the year wins!

What do I need to do? It's EASY! Just sign up online and record how much electricity and natural gas you use. That's it! Every month you get the opportunity to show if you are making improvements by lowering your bill. More categories will be added over the course of the year including transportation, recycling, and shopping.

What's in it for me? Donations and Prizes! Besides the satisfaction of being more green and saving money, the points you earn for the City will also earn you prizes throughout the year. Or you can choose to have the monetary value of your winnings be donated to a local church or charity organization of your choice.

Earning points is FAST and EASY! You get 100 points just for signing up. Having a footprint 10% lower than your neighbors gives you another 100 points and then you get 3, 4, and 5 times bonus points for lowering your footprint each month. It adds up quick! The best part is prizes start being available at 100 points!

Engage your friends and neighbors and form teams to help encourage each other. Team leaders will receive a fun giveaway from the City!

There is also the potential for local and statewide competitions between members of similar organizations, which would earn you more rewards, bragging rights, and titles like Coolest Church or Coolest Club!

Help the City and sign up today at or for more information call 925-252-4129.
Cool California Challenge Flyer

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