Saturday, April 28, 2012


Behold, a heroic new mobile app:
  • Which will ALERT a trained citizen to a nearby emergency -- where their CPR skills might be the fastest way to save a victim in dire distress.
  • In the past, a potential rescuer might have been close enough to have made a difference -- had they only known they were needed.
  • If you register your skills, GPS can alert you, if you are the closest point of help in an unfolding CPR emergency.
Below are excerpts from the website,  
Website Excerpt

Enabling Citizen Superheroes
Where adopted, the PulsePoint app empowers everyday citizens to provide life‐saving assistance to victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). 

Application users who have indicated they are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and willing to assist in case of an emergency can now be notified if someone nearby is having a cardiac emergency and may require CPR. 

If the cardiac emergency is in a public place, the location-aware application will alert trained citizens in the vicinity of the need for bystander-CPR, simultaneous with the dispatch of advanced medical care. 

The application also directs these citizen rescuers to the exact location of the closest publicly accessible Automated External Defibrillator (AED).

Civic Engagement
Community outreach is critical in encouraging citizen engagement through the PulsePoint app. This Public Service Announcement (PSA) is used in movie theaters and other venues to raise local awareness of the app availability and purpose, and the important role of bystander CPR.

At a Glance

  • iPhone app
  • iPhone app
  • iPhone app
  • iPhone app
  • The PulsePoint mobile app alerts CPR-trained bystanders to someone nearby having a sudden cardiac arrest that may require CPR.
  • The app is activated by the local public safety communications center simultaneous with the dispatch of local fire and EMS resources.
  • The purpose of the app is to increase the survival rates of cardiac arrest victims by:
  1. Improving the frequency of bystander CPR by increasing the awareness of cardiac events beyond the traditional “witnessed” area.
  2. Improving awareness and the speed of public access defibrillator (AED) deployment by providing the precise location information of nearby devices.
  • The app is only activated if the event is occurring in a public place (the app is not activated for residential addresses).
  • In addition to the life-saving CPR/AED functionality, the app provides a virtual window into fire and EMS activity in the community, offering a unique opportunity for civic engagement and transparency.
  • The app is provided free of charge to the public. The supporting IT infrastructure is also provided free of charge to public safety agencies desiring to offer the application in their community. Since the app requires a connection to the local public safety communications center, it is only available where adopted and implemented by the local Fire/EMS agency.
  • Funding and support for the application is provided by the PulsePoint Foundation, a nonprofit organization established to guide, enhance and expand the reach of the app.

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