Monday, April 23, 2012

Brand New City Shuttle Service?

The City of Pittsburg would like to know 
how a shuttle service might meet our daily needs.
This request for our response was recently brought to my attention by Laura Wright, Administrative Officer for the City's Environmental Affairs Division, when she introduced me to two more City Facebook sites:
  • (2) Pittsburg.CA | Neighborhood Program -- maintained by the City's Neighborhood Improvement Team (NIT), which exists "to create partnerships with residents -- [in order] to improve the quality of life in our community -- by identifying and applying resources -- in response to neighborhood concerns." [by the way, the City is planning a new round of their wonderful NIT meetings in May, to reach all the citizens within their neighborhoods]
Consequently, these Facebook pages led me to The Pittsburg Shuttle Plan website, with this ongoing study of the possibilities for a more convenient transportation alternative.

The Pittsburg Shuttle Plan, posted on 28 March, is a study of shuttle services to connect residents and visitors who want or need car-free travel between Pittsburg destinations.  [Editor's note:  Depending on how this all works out, is this another chance to help make our City "the most interesting town in America?" (on this subject, there's a separate Reader's Digest contest for us to enter)]
Survey Details
The City web site has all the details.  The site also presents a very clear map, showing the possible routes.  Some will really need this service.  Others may find uses for it, once it has been established.  Whether demand is serious, potent, or non-existent, the City needs to know, so it can reach the best decision.
Action Requested
1.  The City needs to hear from potential shuttle riders and non-riders.  Is there enough of a call for this practical-seeming option? 
There are simply not enough of us citizens (nor resources to waste) to safely justify "wild guesses." 
We all know how democracy is supposed to work (smile).
2.  Please do us all a big favor and help pass the word about this survey to friends, family, and others.
No deadline could be determined, but will be sought, ASAP.  Meanwhile, I believe that it is safe to presume that timing is critical, so please don't put this off.  

Thank you

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