Saturday, April 28, 2012

Great Pittsburg Cleanup -- Beautifully Done!

End of Day Note:  On this beautiful Spring day, it was remarkable (but not surprising) to witness the fine, cheerful, large turnout of citizens (young and not) who were working along both sides of the Pittsburg-Antioch Highway -- filling bags with refuse.  Civic pride is alive and well here, and today was further proof.  Thanks to all, for a beautiful job, well done!

The Partners for the Watershed, The Dow Chemical Company and the City of Pittsburg are seeking volunteers to participate in The 2012 Great Pittsburg Cleanup! 
Kirker Creek

Date: April 28th 2012 9AM-11AM
Location: meet at Central Park (cornor of Pittsburg-Antioch Hwy and Truck Bypass)

This is a great opportunity to help improve your community and meet new people. Also high school students can earn Community Service credits for graduation.

This year we will be cleaning the Creek/Flood Channel along Pittsburg Antioch Highway. We will meet at Central Park on the corner of Pittsburg-Antioch Hwy and Truck Bypass at 9AM.

We will provide gloves and snacks for those who RSVP prior to the event, but you are responsible for wearing appropriate shoes and clothes for possible wet, muddy conditions

Everyone must bring a signed release form to the event in order to participate.

To RSVP please call (925) 252-4129 or just show up!

 Creek CleanupKirker Creek Clean Up Volunteers

Tags: "EPA" and "Great Pittsburg Cleanup"

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