Tuesday, February 19, 2013

City Council honors FRIENDS OF THE PITTSBURG LIBRARY (19 Feb 13)

Posted:  Tuesday, 19 February 2013

1.  At tonight's City Council meeting, in the regular 7:00 pm session, City Hall, "The Friends of the Pittsburg Library," will be honored by official proclamation. 

The beautiful presentation document, signed by Mayor Nancy Parent and City Clerk Alice Evenson, may be viewed by following this link which presents a list of published meetings (Click to "view" the Feb 19 agenda packet, and open the proclamation near the top of the list of supporting materials).

2.  As so aptly expressed in that proclamation, "Friends of the Pittsburg Library is an organization dedicated to improving library services in Pittsburg. Through membership, donations and book sale earnings, the Friends provide the library with books, tapes, magazines and compact discs. They also provide children's and cultural programs for the community..."


3.  Why do communities need their libraries?  Take a look at this link to see how precious these repositories of knowledge are to any community.  

Libraries create opportunities for life-long education and self-help; a unique place where all ages may freely use enormous resources (and receive skilled help in doing so); they help communities through economic struggles by empowering entrepreneurs and employees to adapt to changing conditions; provide free use of on-line resources and fuller access to the vast knowledge network (public and private) far beyond the community's borders; and much more!

And library use is growing.  "Americans go to school, public and academic libraries 50 percent more often than they go to the movies."  We still know a good bargain when we see one!

4.  Why is volunteerism so important to the library?  Take another look at other parts of the Official Proclamation, which succinctly express the great value of volunteerism within our free society -- how volunteers enable our country to advance as well as it does, due to a basic, priceless generosity of spirit among the people [and a sharp sense of self-preservation, too].  

Now consider, does any government ever have all the resources it needs to do everything that needs doing?  The answer must be a resounding "no!!"  "Never!"  More is always needed, but how is more to be obtained?  

Our library volunteers develop a special relationship with the wonderful people who comprise the professional library staff.  They are our link to the library -- with specially-tuned eyes and ears and energy.  They ask, for us, what more do you need?  And, then set about trying to provide it -- doing much of the work, themselves, and by letting us know, so we can funnel-in whatever we can to make and keep this magnificent resource the best that it can be.

All thanks to our neighbors (young and not-so-young) who have taken on these duties for us -- to tend to one of the cornerstones of our community and very lives 
(for we need good information and knowledge almost as much as we do food and water)

If you can, come to the City Council meeting, tonight, to show your appreciation.  

David Nelson

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