Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekly Address: Following the President’s Plan for a Strong Middle Class

Posted:  16 Feb 13

The White HouseSaturday, February 16, 2013
Weekly Address: Following the President’s Plan for a Strong Middle Class
In this week’s address, President Obama calls for quick action on the proposals he made during the State of the Union to grow our economy and create jobs, including making America a magnet for manufacturing, strengthening our education system through high-quality preschool for every child, and raising the minimum wage.
Watch this week's Weekly Address
In Case You Missed It
Here’s a quick glimpse at what happened this week on
State of the Union: On Tuesday, President Obama provided his vision for the country in the State of the Union address. President Obama said our generation’s challenge is “to reignite the true engine of America’s economic growth – a rising, thriving middle class.”
The President looks to grow the middle class through balanced deficit reduction, education reform, comprehensive immigration reform, and manufacturing among others.
If you missed the speech or want to see the address again view our enhanced broadcast with easy-to-read charts, infographics, and statistics. While on our page share your thoughts from the Tuesday speech through the Citizens Response tool, which allows you to actually go line by line and share with others from across the country what touched you the most.
You can read the President’s full remarks here and listen to the audio here.
President Obama on the Road: After the State of the Union, President Obama traveled to Arden, NC on Wednesday and Decatur, GA on Thursday to advance his agenda for the second term.
After touring the Linamar Corporation auto-parts plant, the President cited the significant role manufacturing plays in a thriving economy. “And I believe we attract new jobs to America by investing in new sources of energy and new infrastructure and the next generation of high-wage, high-tech American manufacturing,” touted President Obama. “I believe in manufacturing.  I think it makes our country stronger.”
After weighing in on manufacturing, President Obama discussed another vital part of our economy, education. At Decatur Community Recreation Center, President Obama pushed for high-quality preschool for every child in America. The President believes it is critical to give every American child a fair shot and this should begin at the earliest ages.
“I am so proud of every single teacher who is here who has dedicated their lives to making sure those kids get a good start in life,” said President Obama.  “I want to make sure that I’m helping, and I want to make sure that the country is behind you every step of the way.”
The Medal of Honor: On Monday, President Obama awarded Army Staff Sargent Clinton Romesha the Medal of Honor for “acts of gallantry and intrepidity” and serving his Nation “above and beyond the call of duty.” President Obama shared the country’s gratitude through his remarks of Romesha. “When I called Clint to tell him that he would receive this medal, he said he was honored, but he also said, it wasn't just me out there, it was a team effort.”
VP Biden in Philly: On Monday, Vice President Biden traveled to Philadelphia for a roundtable discussion with law enforcement officials on gun violence. The Philadelphia trip was one of many as the Administration is working hard to protect our children and our communities through common-sense gun legislation.
At the session, the Vice President pledged to put 15,000 police officers on the street, while also pressing for assault weapons ban and background checks for gun buyers. Download the President’s plan to reduce gun violence here.
POTUS Google+ Hangout: On Thursday, President Obama joined Americans from across the country in the latest “Fireside Hangout.” Speaking from the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing, the discussion revolved around his State of the Union address from Tuesday night.
The President fielded questions from gun violence to immigration. The discussion was not all policy as the President happily discussed Valentine’s Day etiquette and baby names for a child.
Watch the event it its entirety and follow us on Google+ for updates to learn how you can participate in upcoming hangouts.
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The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111
8 Feb 13

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