Tuesday, February 5, 2013

FUN & AWE ACCUMULATOR: Some Alternatives

Posted:  5 Feb 13


To provide readers with convenient access to information that inflows, regularly, from favorite sources of light (and not-so-light) reading material.
  • The idea is to help enrich the idle moments with easy access to one of those life-long general-purpose free-time companions -- The Reader's Digest.  If a thing can help simplify the tasks of better living, then it is highly practical to insure that it falls into the "right" hands.
  • But not just the Reader's Digest -- the search for more and more wholesome "smile-and-WOW-generators" continues, as time permits...
  • Everyone needs to "reboot" those internal computers, from time to time -- and this link-list might help.
Speaking of fun, laughter, and the pursuit of happiness, you might enjoy these earlier PCJ articles (I hope):

[***Idea:  If you find some things here which you want to call to another's attention, send them here and give them the date-codes you'd like them to see (even tell them exactly where on the list to look) -- can't hurt, might help]

0416 - 8 Wacky Petitions That Actually Got Signed

0411 - 2011 West Virginia University Marching Band Armed Forces Salute
0409 - Thumbs Up: Roger Ebert’s Funniest Zingers
0408 - 13 Surprising Marriage Laws You Might Be Breaking Right Now
0408 - How to Spot a Liar: 7 Clues Anyone Can Use

0404 - WEBMD: The Amazing Power of a Smile
0404 - Win a trip to the Florida Keys worth $14,500.00 – enter now!
0402 - Why Instagram is a Terrible Party Guest
0402 - Baaaaaad boys: How goats are putting you (and T-Swift) out of work
0402 - What the heck is Google Fiber?

0401 - 9 Moments That Changed the Game of Baseball Forever
0401 - 6 Inspiring Stories: You’re Never Too Old to Dream
0401 - 13+ Secrets Your Tax Planner Won’t Tell You
0401 - 9 Natural Upset Stomach Remedies
0401 - 7 Ways the Sequester Is Really Going to Hurt Kids »

0326 - Movies, News, and American Culture Explained in Pie Charts
0326 - Spring broke? Read our all-time favorite vacation cartoons

0319 - If Mad Men Pulled Its Plotlines From Reader's Digest
0319 - Everything you need to know about pop culture in four tasty pie charts
0318 - 10 Creative Ways to Cut Your Wedding Costs
0318 - 8 Spring-Cleaning Tips to Get It Done Faster
0318 - 6 Weird Kickstarters That Actually Got Funded
0318 - We Found Mad Men Season 6 Plots in Reader’s Digest!

0312 - Send us your favorite joke, or our new editor will get very, very cranky »
0312 - Michael Vick's new dog reacts to being adopted by Michael Vick
0312 - Scientists reveal their overly honest research methods

0311 - Lost and Found Pets: 6 Happy Tales
0311 - Weird News Round-Up: Killer Bees Swarm Tampa, Batman Is Real
0311 -  Funny: 6 Compelling Reasons Why Gary Busey Should Be the Next Pope

0305 - 3 Funny Recipes that are I.B.M.-Mmm-Mmm Good
0305 - 11 jokes the POTUS actually got away with
0305 - Oh, the memes we could dreams: 8 ways Seuss goes viral
0305 - Tell us your favorite joke, or we will shave these horses bald

0304 - Barefoot Teen Braves Fire, Saves Neighbors
0304 - 50 Bad Bosses You’d Never Want to Work For
0304 - Study: Exercise Increases Quality of Sleep
0304 - 7 Tricks to Make a Healthy Smoothie »

0226 - Readers Digest Best Seller: 7 Stages of Marriage -- for $5
0226 - Funny: The Academy Awards they forgot to hand out »
0226 - 6 Questionable Relationships Explained in Venn Diagrams
0225 - Remember Everything! 8 Apps that Banish Forgetfulness
0225 - 13 Things Your Pain Doctor Won’t Tell You
0225 - What You Eat May Affect How Well You Sleep »
0225 - 10 Medical Marvels You Might Have Missed »

0223 - Readers Digest Store: $5 Winter Clearance Sale
0222 - 40 iPad Minis, 40 winners | Enter today!
0220 - 8 Surprising Pieces of Space Junk
0220 - 10 of the goofiest facebook groups. Ever

0218 - Win $5,000 for a year of free groceries!
0218 - 3 Genius Ways Real People are Getting Hired
0218 - Inspiring Stories: 9 Ordinary People Who Changed History
0218 - 13+ Things Cardiologists Won’t Tell You
0218 - 5 Ways Not to Be That Annoying Sick Person at the Gym

0213 - That's amore: Sweet and funny love quotes
0212 - Funny Pickup Lines Guaranteed to Get a Laugh
0211 - 6 Ways Social Media Started a Revolution
0211 -  Funny Mustache Styles You’ve Never Heard Of
0211 - 12 Most Artful Presidential Campaign Posters of All Time

0205 - 10 Best One-Liners of All Time
0204 - Teen Saves Others from Deer Attack Using Just a Hammer

0129 - Our Funniest Pet Cartoons
0128 - 5 Great TV Shows That Changed The World

0122 - 10+ Great Movies That Got Rotten Reviews
0121 - True Story: “I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced”

0115 - Hardee Har Har: Our Best Corny Jokes
0114 - New! True Crime, TV Chefs Secrets, More

0108 - Thanks for the Lolz: Funniest Memes of 2012
0107 - Salt, the Enemy? and a Cats-Only Social Network

0101 - Hilarious New Year's Resolution Cartoons

1225 - Laughing Through The Snow: Our Best Chirstmas Cartoons
1224 - A True Christmas Story: The Gold and Ivory Tablecloth

1217 - Football Safety: Why I Broke Up With the Sport. Plus: Great Holiday Movies
1211 - Win/Fail: Which As Seen On TV Products Are Worth It?
1210 - Why Can’t Linda Carswell Get Her Husband’s Heart Back?

1204 - 19 Wacky Ways to Decorate Your Christmas Tree
1203 - Magic Tricks Revealed, By Teller: 7 Ways to Fool the Brain

1127 - 13 Things You Didn't Know About Mustaches
1126 - 13+ Things You Didn't Know About Organic Food

1120 - 9 Funny Thanksgiving Quotes
1113 - Bathroom Humor: 10 Funny Toilet Designs from Around the World
1113 - In Case You Missed It: Hilarious Jokes Worth Repeating

1112 - The Year in Miracles: Inspirational Quotes
1106 - 10 Funny Jokes About Getting Older
1106 - Funny Texts From Parents Gone Bad
1106 - Life Imitating Art: Your Favorite Paintings Recreated in Photos
1106 - Election Day 2012: Cute Puppies for President!
1105 - 5 Things You Didn't Know About Obama & Romney

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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