Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Posted:  Tuesday, 19 February 2013

1.  At tonight's City Council meeting, in the regular 7:00 pm session, City Hall, "The Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation," will be honored by official proclamation. 

The beautiful presentation document, signed by Mayor Nancy Parent and City Clerk Alice Evenson, may be viewed by following this link which presents a list of published meetings (Click to "view" the Feb 19 agenda packet, and open the proclamation near the top of the list of supporting materials).

2.  The proclamation illuminates the organization's very own mission statement, "the non-profit Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation was formed to improve the quality of life in Pittsburg by fostering civic pride, combating blight, providing affordable housing, and promoting arts, literacy, and education..."

In the PACF's Own Words

Who We Are

Our team is committed to the implementation of our mission. You can find our dedicated staff at the Art shack and about town running exciting art programs for kids, families, and adults.

During the summer you’ll find us at the Pittsburg Library and at community events reading stories, hosting art projects, and giving away free books to promote literacy through our Pittsburg Summer Reads program. 

We also support many community events including the Car Show and the Farmers' Market.

Supporting the efforts of local organizations that have a positive impact in our community, we seek to improve the quality of life and opportunities for the residents and businesses of Pittsburg.

Our outreach efforts include events that encourage reading.  Visit the Railroad Book Depot at 650 Railroad Avenue to find out more.

All thanks to the neighbors who have taken on these duties for us --  striving to bring more beauty into a world that desperately wants and needs all that it can get!

If you can, come to the City Council meeting, tonight, to show your appreciation.  

David Nelson

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