Saturday, February 2, 2013


Posted:  2 Feb 13


Here is some important food for thought 
-- concerning the creatures that share the earth and times with us 
-- and how we treat them 
-- and how this affects us, directly.  

This morning, it was my great good fortune to find this material, through Council Member Ben Johnson's Facebook page -- posted there by Vince Davi.

Following the links, my eyes were quickly opened to something of which I was certainly aware -- but which never really sank in (or rose to the surface) -- till just now.

Please take a look at the below appeal and, if it makes sense for you to, go to the site and "sign" the petition.
  • The appeal is mounted on the "" site, which is an inspired and brilliant use of The Internet blessing.  
  • Through this very intelligent (and, frankly, noble) service offering -- only conceivable because The Internet freely exists as it does --  any one of us now has the incredibly easy means to set before the world, any cause we feel is crying out for earnest attention.  
  • This has never, ever happened before, in all of human history.  
  • Society is still learning how to make best use of all its technological miracles -- and this is a particularly good and significant way to do so. 
  • Who dares to seriously say that good humans can't change this world for the much better?
I took liberties with the format, below, because the message is not all that easy to decipher (as a monolithic "word wall") on the website, but the words are the same compelling ones.  I hope I've done justice to the ideas with color, line-spacing, numbering, etc -- and my very presumptuous labeling.

This just might make a difference -- for little things can change a world -- and good little ones can do so, often, for the much better.  And, this proposed change is not little at all.

David Nelson

Support Registries for Animal Abusers

  • USA ( Nationwide - all States that do not have AA Registers), 
  • British Columbia - Canada, UK , Australian and NZ Governments
We the undersigned want ALL animal abusers exposed in our local areas! 

1.  THE CONCERN:  We are all concerned about the whereabouts of animal abusers, including:
2.  A MAJOR STEP:  An online registry of animal abusers would significantly benefit communities and law enforcement.

3.  ROOT OF THE PROBLEM:  Violence is more prevalent in our society and we need to take a stand to stop it from continuing. Any form of abuse should not be tolerated.

4.  A STARK REALITY:  Convicted animal abusers pose a real, ongoing threat to our pets, our families, and our local communities.

5.  FUNCTION:  Proposed animal abuser registries would make legislation that requires mandatory registration and community notification for convicted animal abusers.

6.  EXPECTATION:  These laws could also help make dramatic changes with keeping offenders away from potential new victims by allowing animal shelters and humane societies to be able to more thoroughly screen potential adopters—and by alerting the public to their whereabouts.

7.  PUBLIC "MIND-SHIFT" REQUESTED:  Please start taking animal cruelty seriously and help make these Animal abuser Registers available.

8.  ADVANTAGES:  A national animal abuser registry would close two information loopholes that allow animal abusers to continue their cruel behavior.
  • First, a national registry would alleviate the information deficit for individuals and organizations attempting to track animal abusers across states. 
  • Second, a national registry would help discourage animal abusers from selling animals over the Internet, a currently unregulated activity. Currently there is no uniform tracking system for animal abusers. 
9.  SCOPE:  A national animal abuse registry would help track animal abusers across the United States and any Nation that can create this system.

10.  THE IDEAL PURSUED:  An ideal national animal abuser registry would provide integrated, easily accessible information about animal abusers from all states.

[To simplify the correction of the whole problem]
It would give animal welfare organizations, law enforcement agencies, researchers, and the public a single place to search for abusers rather than a number of discrete state databases, much like the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website has integrated state sex offender registries. 

A national registry that included information from all states would minimize the risk of losing track of abusers when they move from state to state. 

11.  THE UNDENIABLE LOGIC:  In order to track offenders and prevent further abuse, it is essential to establish a national standardized animal abuser registry. 

You may look into this matter, further, at this website.  
Please do so, if you can, and show your support, 
if you judge it wise to do so.

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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