Sunday, December 28, 2014

CIVIC MENTOR / NOW / Vital City, County, and Areal Information / One Click Away! (#1)

Posted: 28 Dec 14
Change #1:  30 Dec 14 -- Expanded my explanation of what this major sub-system is all about in the overall scheme of things -- in paragraph 3.

“An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy”

1.  Purpose

To announce even easier access to the Civic Mentor Territorial Civic Knowledge Bases (TCKB) -- with instant links placed in the menu bar of this blog.
A CRUCIAL FUNCTION:  These TCKB's exist to accumulate and present, all in one convenient place, all the best available information from many sources -- concerning larger and larger concentric territories containing Pittsburg, CA. -- for now.  They are all preliminary and will be constantly refined, until just right. Please be patient.  Things really are speeding up, now.
OTHER CONCENTRIC TERRITORIES:  All the other individual cities and counties and major areas and regions of the nation will eventually get the same treatment (Gotta start with home-base, first -- else this can't be done, by one). 

2.  All You Need to Really Know, For Now

2.1  THERE, ACROSS THE TOP OF THIS VERY BULLETIN BOARDYou will see the following clickable options -- to quickly access the preliminary Mentor/ELMS Territorial Civic Knowledge Bases of interest to you -- which are also clickable, below, for your maximum convenience:

2.2  IN THE NEAR-TERM:  the following TCKB's will be added to the menu bar -- until the ultimate web-interfaces are engineered:
  • California
  • The Western U.S. (I think)
  • The United States

2.3  OVER THE LONG TERM: (but probably well-advanced, prior to 2016, when the Corporation is formally established -- er, hopefully)
  • The World-Wide TCKB (to be broken down into logical groupings
  • The TCKB for each individual concentric territory, heading longitude by longitude, from Hawaii eastward to the Atlantic (with some leap-frogging, perhaps)

2.4  UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF ALL TCKB-FORMATION:  That ought to take care of our needs, as to optimal convenience of territorial information -- of importance -- in managing our existences -- optimally.
Functional information (covering EVERYTHING else) is being prepared, separately -- on a highest-priority basis.

3.  What You Might Like to Know


3.1.1  OUR FELLOW HUMANS ARE EXTREMELY BUSY -- living their lives -- to the best of their abilities -- under complex modern conditions.
They don't always have the time and other resources -- to closely monitor -- the statics and dynamics -- of their total surroundings -- sufficiently -- and to thoroughly research the vital and lesser questions of the day -- yet they need at least the most important -- of this information to participate -- effectively and efficiently -- with the rest of us -- for the greatest common and personal good -- all things considered and balanced -- as they undoubtedly would wish to and would  -- if the process were EASIER and MORE PLEASING to accomplish -- among all the other things that need doing.
They would do well to know how ALL of our life-support-systems are supposed to work -- the built-up blessings we've inherited and are constantly expanding-upon -- and how they are actually working -- and how to work them most effectively -- as individuals and groups and whole societies -- why, when, where and so forth -- what not to do and why. 

3.1.2  IN A VERY REAL SENSE, LIFE IS "A MACHINE" OF IMMENSE COMPLEXITY, and it seems very risky and expensive and destabilizing -- for each and all of us -- to try to operate, maintain, and evolve it and our own selves successfully -- without some rational, carefully thought-out and designed, and convenient "basic operating system" -- FOR THE ENTIRE THING -- IN OUR PERSONAL HANDS -- complete with thorough, concise "operating instructions."  Where instead, we might deliberately turn all of ourselves into individual and collective "self-mentoring systems" that can help us do the whole job -- far better than is presently possible.   All of us playing by the same play-book!
  • Human existence has become far too complex for us to be so reliant on a random approach to life-management -- an approach which worked in simpler times -- but is so inadequate in these times.  
  • REDUCTION OF COMPLEXITY DEMANDS SYSTEMATICS -- and humans crave simplicity so they can do more with the very same, scarce things they value and need to conserve.
  • And such systems do not exist in nature -- they must be contrived -- and someone must do the contriving -- and at least one someone (and probably more) is doing the contriving. 
A GIFT TO THE YOUNG FOLLOWERS.  And for brand new humans -- just beginning to learn what it means to be human -- what a blessing we can share -- if we can save them -- from having to risk and waste -- so much vital life-force -- "reinventing wheels," already well-proven and tested -- (when they could be expending those forces -- on discovering and developing their genius and world-serving powers) -- merely because -- we couldn't place sufficient and thorough information -- in their hands -- in good time -- or at all. 

3.1.3  NEVER AGAIN should this current state of human affairs be, once this work is done. This is the task I believe fate has "assigned" me to undertake -- when it caused me to exist, survive, and mature -- despite the odds -- and permitted me to see the vision -- and seems to have equipped me to execute it -- and has overwhelmingly compelled me to reach for it -- with all my might.


3.2.1  Why not gather up -- ALL THE INFORMATION -- a fellow human ever needs to know -- and arrange it -- in a convenient, methodical way?  Bring the information to them in one menu, rather than fragmented and scattered all over the place?
Then, fellow humans can more readily browse and plunge-in -- as efficiently and effectively as opportunity permits -- or as changing circumstances require -- never losing their place -- gradually (or instantly) and steadily building up their civic knowledge -- about all the things that may prove important to them -- the patterns they need to see to be able to predict and favorably influence the whole course of their lives -- to be aware of the crucial things -- and best available practices for TAKING FULLEST ADVANTAGE OF THESE -- now and over the course of an entire life-time -- overlooking little that matters to them and thus, to us.
And, because they CAN do these things, they certainly SHALL, if they are rational and circumstance permits and enables.  (That's what the whole Mentor/ELMS project is determined to effect -- sufficient change in our total circumstances -- so as to help further unlock the power in our species to do optimal good with its existence)
And that will synchronize the entire human species and greatly help to optimize its power to do good for and with itself -- as never before possible -- though long desired.
What better can we ever do in this brief, precious life-experience, than to better ourselves, by bettering EVERYTHING about our total human-circumstances -- working singly and together -- for the well-being and best fulfillment -- of every single human-life-gift -- excluding absolutely no one?

3.2.2  CIVIC MENTOR MAJOR SUBSYSTEM #1: I believe that these TCKB's will prove, once again, how much The Mighty Internet is changing so much of everything for the better --  breathing new life into our magnificent democracy and our personal, day-to-day lives -- bettering all humankind in the process.  Truly, we stand on the shoulders of each other -- and of those who came before -- and so it shall always be -- for as long as there are humans.


David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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