Monday, December 8, 2014

PRIVATE MENTOR / EDU-TAINMENT / Dicken's Fair / Cow Palace / Final day: 12/21/SUN

Posted: 8 Dec 14
This blog's 1,500th Post!!

at the Cow Palace Exhibition Halls, San Francisco
4th Weekend, 12/13/SAT & 12/14/SUN
Final Weekend , 12/20/SAT & 12/21/SUN
10:00 am to 7:00 pm, each open day

Are you the curious sort?  Fun-loving?  Would you enjoy a cool way to expose one another to a vastly different, yet familiar place, time, and life-experience, which really existed, a century and a half ago?     Are you interested in having a truly novel, fascinating experience, alone or with friends and family -- something to remember for years?  Would you enjoy deepening your feel for the human condition and how it has changed over time?  Would you enjoy exploring a range of gifts and foods and events which you might not see anywhere else? Do you appreciate the literary genius of Charles Dickens -- or want to?


This weekend, my family and I spent Sunday enjoying this event -- and what a fine, unforgettable event it was -- we're still talking about it.   I just thought you should know, rather than not.


Lots of enthusiastic volunteers, all dressed in authentic period-costumes, play-acting as Londoners of the late 19th Century.  Irish and other folk dancing, British military and civilian costumes -- ranging from richest to poorest classes, ladies in corsets, roving minstrels, stage performers and skits, authentic food, clever gift innovations, fascinating clothes and accessories, and much more.


A place full of happy people, Christmas carols, Temperance Leagues, and generous wishes of "Happy Christmas."  It was well worth the money, in our view -- and very inexpensive, considering all you get.

Well, you get the idea.

David Nelson.

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