Friday, December 5, 2014

PRIVATE MENTOR / The Life-Mission and Fate's Agenda

Posted:  5 Dec 14 / 0245


Graphic courtesy of Wisdom Practice on Facebook who shared Pleasure P's photo.
I am most grateful to these fine souls for stimulating me to draft this particular bulletin, sooner rather than later.

1.  DIFFERING STARTING-POINTS:  The beauty of the thing is that small minds can and do grow larger.  It's called maturity -- and each of us is at our own unique stage of development.  It's very hard to take short-cuts in our growth -- though, education is a huge help to our direct experience.  

Our growth-rates are simply not simultaneous, when more than one person is involved.  They can never be simultaneous, since we can never stand in the same place at the same time -- and what we see depends on where we're standing -- and on what fate is revealing to our eyes and ears alone -- and on how we are uniquely interpreting "the lessons" -- and time is always moving and changing things around.

2.  SOW'S EARS TO SILK PURSES:   "They" are going to say and do awkward, unhelpful things -- because they are where they happen to be in their own growth-cycles. The harm they might do defines THEM, not you. 

And, you and your courage (and patient courtesy -- there is such a thing as "humanly love") just might be what teaches them something about "grace and perseverance under fire."  You will have helped their maturation -- and your own -- by example -- and that helps us all. 


The trick is to satisfy yourself that there is really something in your vision -- that it is feasible and worthwhile -- then give it all you've got -- no matter what -- unless new information changes the picture.

4.  THE IRON FORGE:  The slings and arrows are fate's way of testing and sharpening your resolve and of making you stronger for possibly sterner tests ahead.  Like child-birth, idea-birth is not entirely pain-free.  And, if your vision was all that easy to see, it would have been done, long ago.   Your vision is the steel in your spine.  You are here to make a favorable difference.  We are all fate's hammers, tongs, and even her anvils.  In this game, everyone matters.

5.  FATE'S OVERARCHING AGENDA:  You were born to do what you do -- especially the good things.  Fate has "assigned" you your mission in this life.  Sometimes you have to seek-out that mission -- other times, it seeks you out.  Either way, it's all good.

Accepting and perfecting that mission, as you understand it, is the self-justifying duty. Trying to achieve it is half the fun. (The other half is succeeding).  And what a rich learning experience is contained in the doing. 

And when you finally do go underground, you will have left the world better than you found it -- even if the dream falters.  Worthwhile is worthwhile, no matter the final result.  It's the best any of us can do --- and it just might be sufficient -- in fact, it has to be.

At least that's the way it seems to be working out for me, so far.

David Nelson

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