Friday, June 13, 2014


Posted:  14 Jun 14


I'm sure many, at least around the military community, know what I mean.  Once or twice per week (more, when the cooks were in a listening mood), they used to serve this for breakfast.  It's ground beef, with gravy, on toast.  It was affectionately referred to as "SOS," meaning "Something (I leave to your imagination) On a Shingle" -- SOS."

I didn't like the first version served in boot camp, with chipped beef.  But the ground beef version was a dream breakfast to me -- and to a lot of others -- especially with eggs and all the fixings -- including generous application of Tobasco Sauce.  

Well, guess what?  I found a place, that serves it on the weekends -- and it's tastes just the way it's supposed to. Nearby, in Suisun City, on their lovely waterfront.  It's called "Bab's Delta Diner," which also serves other excellent breakfasts -- though I never waste a trip to try anything but the SOS -- country-fried steak with sausage gravy is ALMOST as good as SOS.

(Since my wife and I are in Weight Watchers, I save half for left-overs (they serve plenty) -- when I'm feeling strong enough not to gobble -- which heat-up tasting even better, the next day, than at the restaurant (if you can imagine). Assuming you're willing to wait for that improvement on perfection.

If you want to make some at home -- or to feed a platoon -- or if you live too far from Bab's -- here are some recipes.

Here's to eating-pleasures -- and little, fond reminders of one of life's great adventures.

David Nelson

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