Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer's End: AWESOME EBSD for Homeless Vets (9/11 to 9/14/14)!!

Posted:  9 Jun 14

1.  Purposes

To give you a "heads-up" and reminder that the amazing East Bay Stand Down (ESBD) is coming again, 9/11/THU through 9/14/14/SUN -- plus a week before (set-up) and a week after (tear down). (Facebook)

To announce a fundraiser for TODAY, from 5 to 9 pm -- in San Ramon (flyer below). (Sorry for the short notice.  I didn't receive the included announcement, at the end of this bulletin, in time -- but it's an excellent excuse to begin alerting you.)

Volunteer registration begins on 1 July 14 -- Be sure to sign up as soon as possible.  These coveted positions fill fast. You've got to see this to believe it.  The registration form will be posted on the website a little before then.  I'll let you know when the form becomes available.

2.  Background

Every two years, this happens at the Alameda County Fairgrounds.  Thousands (civilian and military) eagerly volunteer to help (including me, in 2010 and 2012).  Many hundreds of veterans-in-distress (and their little families) live there for four days in huge tents and have virtually ALL of their life-needs met, for rapid resumption of normal, productive lives.

It is such a beautiful, compassionate thing to witness and be a part of -- and it works! You should see the smiles on all the faces during the whole thing.  And hear the success stories rolling back.  You'd be proud of your nation at this further proof of the great goodness of her people.  It sure gives my spirits a huge lift which lasts me and warms my heart until the next such eagerly anticipated, privileged event.

What it's Like!

My own actual experiences 

For the  2010 and 2012 events, I published after-action reports to describe some of what I saw and got to do.

In the Organizers' Own Words

"While its primary goal is helping homeless Veterans access the resources needed, including housing, to regain their highest level of independence; its secondary goal is to bring our community and service providers together in a collaborative format that can build relationships throughout the year that positively benefit homeless Veterans. 

Ultimately, it is our hope that such events can bring forth the awareness, political/community will and consistent data necessary to assert the on-going resources it will take to end Veteran homelessness once and for all.


3.  Requested Actions
  1. Please attend tonight's fundraiser, if you can
  2. Please volunteer, if you can (as soon after 30 June as you can)
  3. Please mark your calendars (1 July and second week of September)
  4. Please keep an eye out for chances to help the cause -- wasted lives need not be.  We all matter to the Great Human Chain-Reaction.
  5. Hope to see you there (if I can get in, again).

David Nelson

The VA's declared goal is 
to END veteran homelessness, ENTIRELY,
by 2015!


Displaying Guest Waiters at GIANNI's Fundraiser for EBSD - June 9th.jpg

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

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