Sunday, June 8, 2014


Posted:  8 Jun 14

1.  Purpose

Every day, our entire society and world are coming up with more and more ways to make the most of this magnificent Internet achievement.

This morning, I discovered --!

This bulletin brings yet another potent resource to your attention and gives you a quick peek at what it's all about.  By posting it, here, on the permanent "bulletin board," you will be less likely to overlook it -- over the coming days, weeks, and months -- whenever you need it.

A quick visit will tell you what you want to know.  The following excerpt was brought forward, merely to open this "treasure chest," in case your appetite needs whetting.

2.  An Excerpt from The "About" Page

"We live in a time when more pre-schoolers can use a smartphone app than can tie their shoes. How does government prepare to meet the information needs of these budding citizens? DigitalGov means providing information and services to the public anywhere and anytime.

This DigitalGov site is a platform to help those in agencies working on providing digital services and information for the public. We’ll scour the innerwebs for digital info so you don’t have to. Expect posts on what government is doing in digital, general digital news, trends and issues on implementing digital for the public."

3.  Tons of Additional Information at Your Fingertips

I have signed up for the free email updates.  I'll try to bring interesting messages to your attention, here, but to be sure not to miss anything, you might consider signing up, too.   That sign-up page also allows you to sign-up for even more email subscriptions:

  • Government Information in Spanish
  • Thrift Savings Plan
  • GSA Auctions
  • GSA Automotive
  • GSA, General Services Administration
  • The White House
  • Administrative Conference of the United States
  • (Government Made Easy)
  • USDA National Finance Center
  • US Department of Transportation Volpe Center
  • Library of Congress


David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

 When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

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