Friday, June 6, 2014

D-DAY ~~ JUNE 6 ~~ 70 Years Ago, Today...

Posted:  6 Jun 14


1.  Purpose

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Europe, on 6 June 1944, during World War II.

This bulletin tries to help insure that this special day does not slip by us, without our noticing it and appreciating its glorious contribution to the well-being of the human species.

2.  A Pivotal Event

This was a MAJOR one of many crucial, final phases of that horrendously destructive World War, where the Allies "kicked open the western door of Europe" -- by the incredibly risky and bloody -- amphibious invasion of Normandy, France -- while Soviet Russia smashed-in, from the east.

To paraphrase and apply President Lincoln's eye-opening Civil War witticism: "The Allies and the Soviets took turns holding the legs and arms -- while each took their turn at skinning the Nazi animal."

Seven decades ago, they succeeded as they did, in large part, due to the event we commemorate today.

3.  A Quick Overview of the D-Day Event

3.1  That War was another grave threat to the existence of freedom in the world.  
  • And, another generation found itself fully engaged in the awesome duty of saving themselves and their posterity.  
  • In so doing, victoriously, it joined the ranks of triumphant generations -- who also won over unique and gravest adversity -- thereby, individually and collectively -- covering themselves and the nation in unending glory.
  • It is my impression that we humans always unite and try our hardest to do what we have to do -- when the stakes are high enough.
  • Thus,  each generation tends to rise to the uniquely clear, severe, and unifying challenges of its times.  
  • May they always do so.

3.2  Here is part of the Wikipedia discussion:

"The Normandy landings, code-named Operation Neptune, were the landing operations on 6 June 1944 (termed D-Day) of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. 

The largest seaborne invasion in history, the operation began the invasion of German-occupied western Europe, led to the restoration of the French Republic, and contributed to an Allied victory in the war."  [more...]

3.3  Here are Google searches for "D-Day Events:"

4.  Some Suggestions

4.1  In your busy lives, if you can't attend an event, at least take some time to reflect that life now is the way it is, because that war-generation was the way it was.

4.2  Help our brand-new and not-so-new humans firmly register -- in their minds and hearts -- that "freedom isn't free of charge" and -- that deliberately cultivating -- a feeling of eternal gratitude to those who paid the price, back then -- is the very least we can and should do.

4.3  Commemorations, such as today's, help us do that -- a lot better than would be otherwise possible.

4.4  We are running out of veterans of that war -- faster and faster, now.  It would be well -- to gratefully and personally acknowledge (and learn from) -- those of them who are still with us -- before living memory is no more.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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