Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Posted:  3 Jun 14

Trouble-shooting the Great Human Network

1.  Purposes of this Bulletin

1.1  To help increase public awareness of bonafide opportunities to obtain -- FREE OF CHARGE (or at very low-cost) -- a cell phone, with basic essential services -- broadband Internet connection -- and a low-cost computer.

1.2  To encourage wide-spread sharing of this information to insure that it reaches the ears of ALL those in need.

1.3  To offer you "a Basic Research Plan."  (In Section 6, below) This collection of weblinks will act as "a research companion," which will make it simpler to examine all the available information (more or less) -- in an orderly fashion.

Specifically, I explain: 
  1. My basic reasoning for writing this bulletin,  
  2. What the bulletin can and can't do,
  3. Who is generally eligible for this assistance
  4. Specific examples of those who might be entitled to seek this assistance
  5. A basic research plan which might aid your deeper investigations of the matter 

1.4  This should, at least, save you some keystrokes as you check-out ideas and resources and places to look -- which you might not have thought of, yet.

1.5  This should also act as a handy memory-system. As you search deep enough into the literature for your particular needs -- you'll always be able to find where you are, where you've been, and where you're going -- for the links are organized to be clicked -- in a logically unfolding order (top-down, bottom-up, and random) -- making it extremely easy to be as thorough as you wish.

2.  This Bulletin's Rationale

2.1  The better off each person can become, the better off we MUST ALL BECOME. 

2.2  Every person who is helped out of a jam  -- becomes a potential, enthusiastic ally -- who can and likely will increase the likelihood -- that even more people WILL be helped -- who, in turn, will do the same -- and so on -- till there's nothing left to do -- in this area of the common life-experience. The "Great Human Chain-Reaction" is, indeed, real, inescapable, and, when properly focused, of virtually indomitable power.

2.3  No human should be without the ability to easily communicate and interact with the larger world. Fellow humans in that predicament -- are simply unable to participate as effectively -- toward their own rescues -- until they -- overcome this basic difficulty.  Some -- in their disconnected state -- may even be on their way to becoming "lost souls," and that would be another sad tragedy that might have been averted.

  • Financial difficulties might tempt people to cut costs by getting rid of (or never acquiring) a cell phone, a computer, and Internet access.
  • That is a disastrous position to be in -- in this day and age.  It's hard to catch up with these shackles around your ankles.
  • In these days and times, these tools are no longer optional -- 
  • these are BASIC HUMAN NEEDS which must be satisfied in order to satisfy other needs

  • People who aren't yet taking advantage of this opportunity, obviously don't know about it -- or are in no position to act.  
  • We would be doing them a big favor, were we to share this information.  
  • We're all part of the "great human network," so good information-flow is a big deal in bettering things.

3.  Scope and Limitations of This Bulletin

3.1  Unfortunately, I just don't have the time to investigate and report on this area more thoroughly.  That capability probably has to wait until I develop an adequate staff.

3.2  However, I CAN at least call certain things to your attention and give you reasonably useful weblinks. (At least it's a start)  To do this, I place mostly Google search-links in your ready reach -- in Section Six, below.

3.3  I RELY, HEAVILY, ON A "GOOGLE-SEARCH APPROACH" -- since a link to Google automatically gives you the latest, up-to-the-minute answers and linkages available, now and later.  So, as this bulletin ages, you and I can be confident that the links will still lead us to good information.

3.4  A SPECIAL REQUEST -- If you are willing and able please, indeed, look further. Report, in the comment area, below, things you learn -- which others might wish to know -- including links to sources -- or whatever you feel serves the case.

4.  General Eligibility

If you meet certain low-income requirements, you can receive a free basic cell phone with a free calling plan of a reasonable number of minutes per month.

You may also be eligible to receive a free or cheap broadband Internet connection and a low-cost desktop or laptop computer for your family

5.  Examples of Those Who Might Be Entitled

Students need these tools to be able to participate, more productively, within the modern educational environment.

Job-seekers need these tools in order to job-search efficiently -- and to be easily and reliably reachable for interviews -- to have an e-mail address and facilities --  and a "live" phone number -- to make good, confident impressions on employers -- to help stabilize their advances in life -- to have several serious stumbling-blocks lifted out of the way, moving them that much closer to their success. 

Seniors must not become cut-off from their families and friends, emergency aid, senior services, and health care providers.

The destitute need to be able to reliably contact each other and friends and families, service providers, emergency assistance -- and to better survive and position themselves for rescue from their dangerous, despairing plights.

Any others facing difficulties where they lack adequate means to overcome, unassisted.
    NOT ONLY THIS, BUT NEIGHBORS might be unable to readily connect with one another, for their obviously great common good, because some residents may be lacking in these basis tools.


    The following "Research Plan" is designed to help you examine this problem-solving dimension more systematically -- hence, more thoroughly.  Please note:

    • However, you might FIRST check-out governmental and well-known philanthropic sites, BEFORE choosing a commercial organization as your source of equipment and services -- unless you know or can confirm their reliability.
    • In other words, you need to be careful of commercial ads or less familiar outlets -- I have no way of screening out the bad sites for you -- at this time.  If nothing else, read carefully and understand what you're committing to.  It might be wise to double-check a company's industry-reputation by searching for critical reviews of the company.  Ask for help in doing this, if necessary.
    • But no excessive worries, please.  I'm betting that, with people being the way they are, there is a high probability that the site will be good or at least well-intentioned.  


    Free Government Cell Phones (Google search)

    Free cell phones in the U.S. (Google search)
    Free cell phones California (Google search)
    Free cell phones San Francisco Bay Area (Google search)
    Free cell phones Contra Costa County (Google search)
    Free cell phones Pittsburg, CA (Google search)

    Free Cell Phone Access -- Subsidies (Google search)


    Free Government Computers (Google search)

    Free computers in the U.S. (Google search)
    Free computers in California (Google search)
    Free computers in San Francisco Bay Area (Google search)
    Free computers in Contra Costa County (Google search)
    Free computers in Pittsburg, CA (Google search)

    Free Computers -- Subsidies (Google search)


    Free Government Internet Access (Google search)

    Free Internet access in the U.S. (Google search)
    Free Internet access in California (Google search)
    Free Internet access in San Francisco Bay Area (Google search)
    Free Internet access in Contra Costa County (Google search)
    Free Internet access in Pittsburg, CA (Google search)

    Free Internet Access -- Subsidies (Google search)


    Best of luck, in this, to us all.

    David Nelson

    All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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