Sunday, May 18, 2014

Education Resources / KHAN Academy Bi-Weekly Newsletter

Posted:  18 May 14

WHAT IS THE KHAN ACADEMY?  (Let's see what Wikipedia says)

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational website created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan to provide "a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere." [more...]

'nuff said.  Here's what they sent me, today:

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Khan Academy <> wrote:

Khan Academy
Don't miss the top things to learn on Khan Academy this week:
Learn to code!  

Want to learn how to make your own computer game?

Learn now 
Why was Poor Richard so poor?  

Who was Poor Richard and why did he write an almanac?

Learn now 
What percentage of species have we discovered?  

How many species have we discovered on Earth?

Learn now 
Try out our problem of the week:
Calculate the trajectory  

Can you calculate the path of a cannonball?

Learn now 
Learn something new at Khan Academy 
You're receiving this as a registered user of Khan Academy.
These emails are sent ~2 weeks.

P.O. Box 1630, Mountain View, CA 94042

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