Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Posted: 13 May 14


Here is one practical example of a website resource which individuals and groups might use to facilitate the process of mobilizing action and communicating their feelings and knowledge to the social system, at large.


Those who desire to advance a social cause and better the social fabric might find the following resource to be helpful in facilitating the process.

Future Intentions

I visualize producing a dedicated website -- under the Civic Mentor Banner -- which consolidates -- for civic convenience -- all the social causes and related resources in play -- locally and beyond -- all in one easy-to-access place.

I also mean to celebrate and publicize the efforts of all others who are engaged in such a consolidation process -- for we are all in this, together.

In this way, citizens of the world -- might more easily choose those causes -- which appeal to them -- and which suit their unique concerns and capabilities.  And, by readily showing what is being done already -- "civic entrepreneurs" can more easily see -- what remains to be done -- to perfect our societies and civilizations and to optimize our life-experiences.

I am so grateful to be constantly reminded of -- the rational civic-mindedness and deep compassion -- of our fellow humans --  who volunteer and/or dedicate careers --  in order to serve the common good. All fields of constructive endeavor play their crucial roles in advancing us all. 

It seems quite true 
  •  that "the highest rewards in this life -- are the inevitable result -- of high service to others" and
  •  that "the greatest happiness in life -- is the inevitable result -- of tending to the happiness in others."

And so, the journey to the "golden shore" continues, under deliberate, systematic human power and determination -- from all directions ...

David Nelson

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Kristina C., Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com> wrote:
Care2 subscriber since Apr 9, 2014Unsubscribe  |  Start a petition
care2 petitionsite successes
Helping a little girl keep her pet rooster in Oregon, saving 37 cats in New Zealand, preserving a historic library in Australia and keeping developers away from a park in Dallas: These are just some of the ways Care2 members made a difference in April.
Start a petition!Want your own success?
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Ayla Can Keep Her Rooster, Dallas
SuccessIn February, Care2 member Jill Macnab started a petition after finding out her daughter Ayla's beloved rooster, Dallas, was no longer allowed in their Oregon community. Thousands signed the petition but the mayor still said Dallas was a "nuisance." Ayla's parents appeared before the city council and emphasized the educational and ethical benefits of keeping roosters. On April 8, the city of Dufur voted to modify its ordinance about roosters as a nuisance. Dallas can stay and now Ayla can concentrate on getting him ready for 4-H in June. Read the full story of the campaign to save Dallas.
You Helped to Save 37 Cats in New Zealand
SuccessWhen Richard King, the executive of the City Council of Invercargill in New Zealand, said it would hand out traps to kill 37 domestic cats, Care2 member Paula Jones knew she had to do something. She started a petition that more than 19,000 people signed. Dozens of Care2 members sent emails to the city council; newspapers and radio stations contacted Paula about her campaign -- and King retracted his proposal to trap and kill cats. Read more about Paula's success.
Australia's Mitchell Library Will Still Have Books
SuccessFour writers in Australia started a petition to save the historic Mitchell Library after authorities -- without consulting the public -- announced sweeping changes (including removing books) that would drastically alter a beloved institution. In just two weeks, more than 7,000 people — including local library users and internationally renowned writers like Ian McEwan and Margaret Atwood — signed the petition. In April, Library Management met with members of the public including the petition authors, announced they'd had a "change of heart" and offered alternative plans. Read more about how Care2 members preserved a part of Australian history.
Care2 Members Fight Racism in the NBA
SuccessWill Pulier, a high school freshman, hasn't missed a single Los Angeles Clippers game this year. When racist remarks said by Donald Sterling, the team's owner, became public in late April, Will knew he had to do something. Will started a petition asking for Sterling to be banned from playoff games. Within just a few days, the NBA announced that Sterling was banned for life. Take a stand against injustice like Will did and start your own petition.
Developers Must Stay Away From White Rock Lake Park in Dallas
SuccessCare2 member Julie Sherrod started a petition to save a treasured spot of nature near Dallas, Boy Scout Hill in White Rock Lake Park. Julie called for further development near the park to stop. As she wrote, not only is the park an "oasis"; there are already "plenty of restaurants, shops and commercial development in Dallas." More than 3,000 Care2 members took action and Boy Scout Hill has been saved. Read more about how you helped to preserve a "priceless place where people have gathered for generations."
Religious Freedom Endures in Europe
SuccessIn March, it seemed the Council of Europe might adopt legislation that would be a major step backwards for religious tolerance and the rights of religious minorities in Europe. The proposed legislation called for the adoption of measures similar to France's controversial policies towards minority religious movements. Care2 members started a petition that gained over 12,000 signatures and was mentioned during a debate in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe -- and the measures were rejected. Read more about how Care2 members made a difference in Europe.
Update About the Montana Rapist Who Was Given a 30-day Sentence
SuccessMore than 120,000 Care2 members have shown their outrage about the 31-day prison sentence Montana teacher Stacey Dean Rambold was given after raping one of his students when she was only 14 years old. Just days before her 17th birthday, the student committed suicide. At the end of April, the Montana Supreme Court ruled that Rambold must be resentenced and also called for Judge G. Todd Baugh, who had levied the original sentence, to be investigated. Sign the petition to demand Judge Baugh be unseated.
Care2 Members Make the News
SuccessUSA Today was just one of six newspapers that mentioned a Care2 petition demanding Judge Jan Jurden be fired after letting a child rapist avoid jail. Two Swiss news outlets noted the thousands of signatures on a Care2 petition protesting a zoo's killing of a healthy baby bear. Quite a few print and TV news outlets reported on a Care2 member Gina Greisen's petition to stop horse-drawn carriages in downtown Las Vegas. Read more about Care2 members like you who are making headlines.
Starting a Care2 petition can draw a lot of attention to a cause you care about. We're always inspired to hear about your success stories -- please send them to us at successstories@earth.care2.com.
Thanks for all you've done!

Kristina C.
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