Thursday, May 15, 2014

URGENT: City of Pittsburg: Community Survey on Alcohol Service Businesses

Posted:  15 May 14



The City of Pittsburg, as usual, genuinely needs and wants to know what you think about the things that affect the security and quality of life in and around our common territory.

Won't you take a few minutes to complete the survey which gives them what they need?  It took me just under 5 minutes to do -- and knowing how our City government conducts business, you can be sure that the time will not be wasted, but will advance our progress instead.

Your hopes and intentions toward the future of our City matter, big-time.  They are always taken seriously -- when they become known.

Please note the fast-approaching deadline of 31 May.  Why not do the survey now, before the press of life removes the matter from your view and places it into the category of "things meant to be done, but forgotten?"

Thank you,
David Nelson


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:17 PM, City of Pittsburg <> wrote:

Community Survey on Alcohol Service Businesses
Survey Period Extended
Posted Date: 5/14/2014

Please note: Survey will now remain open through the end of the month (May 31st).

The City of Pittsburg is reviewing its zoning regulations related to businesses that serve alcohol. City decision-makers would like to know what residents think about these types of businesses.

Below is a brief survey that should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey will be open through Saturday, May 31, 2014. Please let us know what you think!

For questions or additional information, please contact
Kristin Pollot, project planner,
at (925) 252-6941 

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