Sunday, May 11, 2014

THANK YOU SO MUCH -- 132,000 Visits in 2+ Years!

Posted:  11 May 14


Thank you, so much, for visiting this blog, over the years.  I can't tell you how encouraging that is to me in this risky undertaking.

The average length of visits is just over 5 minutes, which amounts to a gift of about 11,000 of your precious hours -- AND IT IS ACCELERATING (so far)!!
  • And this growth is by word-of-mouth, rather than by systematic promotion -- for the vast undertaking behind the parent project is still extremely difficult to define in "10 words or less." When I finish whittling down the thousands of words to that magic number, then it will really be where it should be.  
  • I HAVE managed to reduce it from the millions of words I had accumulated over many decades.  For the project MUST be thorough to be done right.
  • About 20 years ago, I realized I needed an invention like an Internet.  Through this entire project, fate has been giving me help, usually in the nick of time -- for, among other things, I've been able (to my family's enormous relief) to rid myself of boxes and boxes of notes which were crowding out my working and living spaces.

As I have often said, the special nature and immediacy of the master project which life has "assigned" me to attempt -- and the limited amount of time remaining to me -- demand that I build much of it under the public eye.  Especially, since I believe that it is a rather novel enterprise, in its particulars -- as far as I can determine -- leaving me with a puzzle to solve, still acres in size -- with no "picture on the box" to go by.
  • Even I can barely grasp the whole complicated thing in one bite, and the challenge contains many surprises, mostly good it seems, so far.  While much has had to be invented, most of the building blocks have been tried, tested, and proven practical -- through the known history of human endeavor. 
  • I am striving to use the best ingredients I can wrap my mind around, and arrange them so that the entire conceptual edifice will prove reliably sound, rather than collapse under its own weight.
  • So, those of you who have been watching have witnessed some of the many trials and errors, which an entrepreneur can normally venture and resolve in the comfort of privacy and better-controlled research and development conditions.

I'm sure this is confusing and disconcerting, at times, to those who haven't yet realized that this is all a "work in progress," still very much in the rough-drafting stage -- and only a tiny part of a much grander vision.  But, I do have the comfort of firm belief that, if fate continues to be kind, it will all make sense to even the most casual of visitors -- whenever waiting has been filled.

I am working toward that day with iron determination and eager anticipation.

Again, I am deeply grateful to you for your kind and patient interest.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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