Thursday, April 17, 2014

THE WORK PLACE ============ Basic Employment & Career Planning

Posted:  16 Jun 14




1.1  To try to increase chances of job and career success and economic well-being for fellow humans, everywhere -- by organizing access to general and specific information which may prove helpful in managing the "working-life development function," optimally.

1.2  It is my hope and intention to help you increase continuity in the work-life development process -- so as to save you some time, money, wasted effort, and frustration -- perhaps highlighting things you might not have thought of, yet -- or may have overlooked -- or of which you were unaware -- or had forgotten.

  1.2.1  As with managing most anything having LOTS OF PARTS, career management can be complicated. Therefore, this bulletin tries:
  • To lay-out -- before your very eyes -- many (and eventually, all) of those parts -- in ONE CONVENIENT place.  
  • To also provide easy finger-tip access to some of the specific, deeper knowledge, as required.
  • All to turn something consisting of many parts into ONE clearer and MUCH SIMPLER WHOLE thing.  
  • BECAUSE:  The simpler a thing is to manage, the better it is likely to be done.
  1.2.2  If you fail to find what you need, here, please don't forget the abundance of videos on YouTube and the like, experienced contacts on the social networks, email subscriptions, free and paid education and training courses, other search engines, librarians and libraries, and much more.  

    SURELY, we all realize that this world is filled with people, ready and willing to be resources for those who ask properly and who show themselves to be serious about making favorable differences in the way things are, for others, as well as for themselves.  Everyone needs a lot help, at some time or another, and providing for timely and adequate exchanges of help enables the society to better survive and prosper.

    These generous, helpful "resources" understand that we can't ever have a much better world without them doing such things. You may get lucky and find them, at once, or you may have to do some thorough searching (the government -- at all levels -- can be a huge help in all career phases and aspects)

    But, they are out there, ready and willing to take risks on good human investments -- once they know about them. Be ready for both "yes" and "no" answers, for that's just how the game has to be played -- and timing, enthusiasm, and showing-up count for much.

  1.2.3  For friends and neighbors in other States, Areas, Counties, and Cities, some of the provided weblinks are obviously not specific to your particular case.  Until I can be more specific for you, it should be easy for you to adjust the link addresses to suit your needs.  In no way are you deliberately overlooked -- I just haven't figured out all the efficiencies, YET.

1.3  For those interested in starting, owning, and growing a small business, the separate blog bulletin, "SMALL BUSINESS INFO-ACCUMULATOR," may also prove helpful.

1.4  And, I believe, more importantly -- this bulletin tries to help us all live better and better lives and fulfill whatever good things we feel we've been "assigned" by fate to do -- in order to leave everything about this world, better than we found it.

1.5  This is also a preliminary step in development of a future, full-blown Civic-Mentor network element, dedicated to a more thorough and precise treatment of this topic.  

     You may have noticed that, in these bulletins, I often tend to give you weblinks to the hard and competent work of others, rather than attempt to address the issues in sufficient detail, myself.  No need "reinventing the wheel" or risk mis-informing others, within the limited life-spans, exposures, and abilities we are allotted.  Besides, this increases the likelihood that the information will stay fresh, longer.


  • This bulletin suggests an orderly collection of mostly Google search links so as to present a convenient way to harvest the vast human knowledge base -- with useful and reasonably sufficient thoroughness.  
  • This bulletin relies on research questions which are, unavoidably, rather general. In order to find more specific information, you may have to play around with sharpening the questions.
  • But, such a bulletin should, at least, give you a ready fall-back position to which you can always refer -- to more quickly find your place -- as you progress -- through this wonderfully exciting and rewarding, but often stressful, life-function.
  • It should also make it simpler to repeat the same questions, as necessary, rather than having to continually re-frame them to probe deeper and deeper.


You might look at this bulletin as a general framework in which to encase and organize your evolving detailed plans -- at least temporarily.  

  • I expect this bulletin to be a permanent addition to this blog, so you can refer back, with confidence, as ever you need to.  
  • I also expect to keep refining this, in light of the ever-changing information available and any future discovery of good ideas that might serve your needs.


Here are full Wikipedia discussions containing practical information, sources, insights, weblinks, and more -- which may lead to answers to questions worth asking.








    Please suggest more career and job management tools, of which you may be aware, and which might benefit others, in the comment spaces, below.  I will try to incorporate them here or with other services under construction.

    David Nelson

    The richest of life's rewards tend to flow from ever-improving service to others.

    Best of luck to you!

    All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

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