Monday, April 14, 2014


Posted 14 Apr 14


1.  If you would like to see senior members of your City Government (and usually, the School System, too) and speak to them about your concerns in a pleasant, entertaining, worthwhile setting, this is the big opportunity for this part of the year.  Their normal pattern has been a round of meetings, twice a year.

2.  Come and meet the people who serve us so well.  It's always a well-deserved pat on the back, for all, when Pittsburgers show their pride in the City by showing up.  Our "public servants" frequently dedicate their own private time to serve us -- so there's something beautifully symmetrical about a good turnout.

3.  They always have significant things to tell, and do so with great professionalism.  Things which we might not hear elsewhere. And, they need and want to hear our voices, if we have something to say -- about any matter pertaining to our existence here.  (If you give them an advance e-mail, they can prepare their answers better -- but either way.)

4.  I prize these meetings, for they are so practical and democratic -- and, yes, fun.

5.  Hope to see you there.  Both times, if possible, for each meeting is a little/lot different -- and always time well spent.

David Nelson


To:  All interested parties
From:  Laura Wright, Administrative Officer, City Manager's Office

The City of Pittsburg’s Neighborhood Improvement Team is hosting two Neighborhood Meetings. 

The City would like to invite everyone to come and talk to our team to learn about City projects, programs, new restaurants, events, parks, eBart, and many items. This is a fantastic time to ask your questions of the City Manager and other City Staff while sharing your thoughts and concerns.

Date:                                                   Location:                                           Time:
Saturday May 3rd                            Railroad Book Depot                       10:00 am -Noon
                                                            650 Railroad Ave

Tuesday May 6th                             Pittsburg Senior Center                   6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                           300 Presidio Lane

Check the City’s website at at Neighborhood Improvement Team under City Manager’s Office or call 252-6975.

Get Involved ~ Take Pride In Pittsburg.

Laura Wright
City of Pittsburg

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