Thursday, April 17, 2014

ASTONISHING KINDNESS! A brief video, guaranteed to make you feel good (Update 1)

Update #1: 18 Apr 14
Posted:  17 Apr 14


This is going to make you proud (and misty-eyed) -- I guarantee it

This morning, my cousin-brother, Paul, brought this fantastic video -- just under 3 minutes long -- to my attention, via the Facebook blessing.

I simply had to try to help this go viral.  I don't think any of my readers would want to miss this.  Nor do I think any human being should be denied the opportunity.  I thought to ask you to pass this along, but I don't think I could keep you from doing so.

Prepare to be thrilled at the magnificence of the species and times to which we, by sheer chance, all belong.

Just click here and enjoy:

David Nelson

AFTER-THOUGHT:  4/18/14/FRI / 0945 hrs

I woke up thinking, this could very well be contrived.  For example, if this were a completely spontaneous surprise (rather than rehearsed), how did the "incredibly-good Samaritan" explain the presence of the video camera-person to the lucky man -- obviously present through the entire process?

Then I realized, instantly:  So what if it was contrived or real?  It's the message that counts most. And, it's a beautiful, inspiring one, indeed.  And, it's deeply touching an increasing number of human souls -- through a fine chain-reaction that may last for years -- changing views and, thus, our world for the much better, as it ricochets through the human network.

And, I wouldn't be surprised if such as this has already happened, somewhere.

And, if  it hasn't happened yet, the possibility has now been opened -- and the illustrative suggestion may inspire a very nice wave of "copy-catism" -- as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That has to be quite a wonderful thing, undeniably.  It sure added fuel to my fire -- the one I consider to be my "eternal flame," as far as anything human can be "eternal.  Far, far better than if that very creative, inspired, and obviously good-intentioned creator did nothing like this.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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