Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Posted:  23 Apr 14

1.  Purpose

This bulletin is meant to slip a reminder into your very busy lives -- that we can quite easily do ourselves and our world a huge favor -- by making a very small, negligible-cost decision when we need to get rid of technologies we no longer value.

The bulletin offers a few basic reasons to explain and justify things, it links you to recycling centers for your areas, and it seizes another opportunity to further explain what the "Civic Mentor" concept is about.
  • I would like to thank Pittsburg, CA City Council member, Nancy Parent, for starting yet another splendid chain-reaction for me and us. Yesterday, she invited me to join a Facebook initiative having to do with taking a "daily challenge" to further my drive to learn everything I possibly can.  
  • When I joined, I discovered as least four  things: (1) that I get to look into things I always meant to examine more closely -- or never even thought of; (2) that I can get more practical material to share with you; (3) that the website she gave me is an ENTIRE SYSTEM of wonderful life-ideas; and (4) that my very first challenge had to do with this very bulletin!  
  • If you'd like to see for yourself, please click here.  I've linked you to their home page, rather than to the "Daily Challenge," which you can find at the bottom of the page
  • Thank you again, so much, Nancy!!!!!

2.  Rationale -- Why Reasoned E-Waste Disposal Matters, Big-Time!

Old cell phones, printers, and computers that end up in landfills can pollute our communities with toxic materials, making oceans and streams less safe for drinking, swimming, and supporting wildlife.

To keep electronics out of the trash, many cities and towns have recycling centers for e-waste.  Others schedule drop-off days throughout the year.

Bonus:  Recycling e-waste can help you clear clutter from your life, responsibly.  Even tiny decisions matter in the big game of life.

3.  Recycling Centers -- A Start

4.  I'd Like You To Understand (CivicMentor-wise)
  1. More and more, I am conscious that, thanks to The Internet and the great human chain-reaction, these bulletins might reach anywhere at all -- even far beyond my home-base.  And, I think that's a blessing -- as well as my ultimate aim, anyway.
  2. The whole world is our home.  And, we humans are all neighbors, in a very real sense.
  3. What matters "over there," often matters "over here."
  4. So, while you might just open the local link, please realize that if you open each of the successively larger ones which also contain us, you will get a richer and wider picture of the whole thing -- something extra to be gained at each level opened.  
  5. You'll see more and more useful things to add to your understanding -- and that's almost always a very good thing.  For bits of knowledge gained in one area, often transfer to enhance knowledge elsewhere, in often unexpected, but advantageous ways.

In future bulletins, I will try to stick to this philosophy -- always for the common good.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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