Saturday, April 19, 2014


Posted:  19 Apr 14

Dear Friends,

By now, surely you know I love virtually everything about this place -- our special spot in all the universe.  Let me count "a few" blessings.

Our magnificent City government and the dedicated, even brilliant, stewardship in the hands of top-notch people, from top to bottom -- crystal clear, I believe, to all eyes that see, most everywhere they look.

Not to mention the superb County government and fine people who surround us and who further constitute the friendly and highly productive social and economic environment and an incredibly responsive political one, within our common territory.

The salubrious, picturesque natural environment.   The built environment which is being diligently maintained and constantly beautified and ingeniously developed.  The ever-enriching cultural environment.  The persistent and wise fine-tuning of the vibrant educational environment.  The fascinating and widely crucial industrial footprint. The highly cooperative business environment.  The strong evidence of patriotic feeling.  Our magnificent police force.

The vision and foresight which are nurturing sustained and healthy growth and wisely guiding us into an even brighter future -- despite the ups and downs experienced by the larger society -- and the lesser complexities which the dynamic nature of modern life can't help but entail.

The awesome spirit of volunteerism which fills so many crucial and otherwise unavoidable service-gaps.

And to those who are doing the many other things which are so crucial -- but largely invisible to us -- I know you are there and I try my hardest to see and gratefully recognize you.  And, failing that, please know that I can feel what you are doing -- for it all matters, big-time!  All integral to "TEAM PITTSBURG!" (And, what's good for Pittsburg is good for the nation)

AND THE NEIGHBORS... NEAR AND DISTANT -- THE WONDERFUL RESIDENTS AND COLLEAGUES I HAVE BEEN SO FORTUNATE TO ENCOUNTER -- in person and on the social networks.  This life is so rich with real and potential friendship.

And, so much more, which make my wife and me feel so lucky (and extremely wise) to have chosen this place for our final home.  I couldn't have selected a more perfect home-base from which to pursue my life-mission.

In addition to that general commendation, I wanted to mention a small thing -- which is not so small at all, but rather, simply true to form.   I am so pleased about the conspicuously favorable impact of the new plastic bag ordinance which is clearly creating an even more pleasing community in which to live.  This is typical good sense for our fine "town."

I still sometimes forget to bring along my reusable shopping bags -- but that will take care of itself in time.  As Steven R. Covey says, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."

Thanks to all for the great collective intelligence and strong sense of community which are shown toward the little, as well as the large things -- all of which ARE the main things.

Most sincerely, your very proud neighbor,

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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