Thursday, July 11, 2013

VOLUNTEERISM Gets a Big Boost From Pittsburg's Mayor

Posted:  2 Feb 13


One part of the Mayor's 2013 strategy is 
to further engage and develop the extraordinary power of 
Volunteerism in the Community


At the January 22 City Council meeting, I had an inspiring opportunity to see two fine parts of our community, publicly commended for their significantly valuable contributions:

(1) The Pittsburg Women's League's 50th Anniversary and
(2) the recent inclusion of "Maya Cinemas" within the Pittsburg and wider communities.

Above are also links to blog articles about both of these "jewels in our civic crown."


At that meeting, I was also delighted to hear Mayor Nancy Parent declare her intention to formally recognize, at every Council meeting, during her tenure in office, at least two different groups of fellow citizens, who are making notable contributions to the society.


I took her to mean that she intends to recognize, as far as humanly possible, BOTH:

(1)  those businesses that impact the community, with favorable significance (like Maya),  AND

(2)  that powerful "invisible" and priceless work-force of volunteers -- who do invaluable things without expectation of fair material compensation -- simply because it's far better to do so, than not to (like the Women's League).


Yesterday, I stopped at my local "power station," Steeltown Coffee & Tea,"  to say hello to my neighbor and buddy, the owner, Adrian Badger -- and to grab an awesome "chai-tea-espresso-immensely-pleasing-morning-perfecting-combination."  And who should I see?  Mayor Parent, that's who.  Don't you just love a "small town?"  Although a population of 60,000 is stretching the "small town" handle a bit.  Still, it's a lot easier to get to know folks here (a very good thing) than in larger places -- and the word "town" feels exactly right.

She was on her way to a meeting (where else? busy, busy), but we managed to squeeze in a chat.  I asked for more information on her public-commendation plan.  And, boy, am I glad I did.  Here's what I think I learned, referring to my hasty, hard-to-read notes (they made so much sense at the time).  As my understanding grows, I will clarify these things with you more, until we are all fully in tune with her:

The Mayor's Program is called 
"Pride in Pittsburg." 

In coming months, as things now look, she will officially salute:
  • Volunteers with The Pittsburg Arts & Community Foundation
  • Volunteer "Friends of The Pittsburg Library"
  • The magnificent SOCIAL DIVERSITY that gives us such power and enrichment (see below)
  • The RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY -- I'll bet that's going to be a tough one, with so very many churches in Pittsburg and with their tight interconnection with most everything worth doing.
  • ... and much more...
  • This is just a tiny glimpse at where she is steering portions of the year and I eagerly await the opportunity to learn more from her, as the days unroll.

"Sister City" - Yahualica

When we reached the topic of "diversity," the remainder of our conversation detoured into this fascinating information fragment:
  • She explained that she was on her way to a meeting with "Club Yahualica"
  • I asked her to spell it, and tendered a guess that this was Aztec in origin.  The puzzled look on my face prompted her to ask, "You've never heard of Yahualica?  That's our sister city in Mexico."
Fascinating tid-bit #1:  There are around 20,000 people in Pittsburg and Bay Point, with roots in the Yahualica sub-culture.  I didn't know that.  She went on to explain that they gradually colonized the area, as families settled, maintained connections to their origins, and set a  "migration-anchor" in place, here, for others to move toward (my words). [This is wonderful information, for I hope we can explore ALL our sub-cultures, through this City-Journal, because of the enormous advantages such self-knowledge contains -- This is exactly one of the things on my mind when I created this City-Journal]

Fascinating tid-bit #2:  When Pittsburg Disposal Services upgraded their waste-collection fleet to the "new" trucks (with the robotic arms) -- THEY SENT THEIR OLDER TRUCKS DOWN TO YAHUALICA!!!!  That act of kindness blessed Yahualica, enormously, for this crucial city-service greatly eased dire health and quality-of-life needs for our differently prosperous "Sister."

Fascinating tid-bit #3:  She is planning to go down to Yahualica, in September, for a huge festival slated to occur there.  I'm guessing that this will be part of an official delegation.  This is one of the things she expected to discuss at her upcoming meeting (yesterday).


Over the years, I have been deeply gratified by how alive and well the spirit of volunteerism is within our surroundings, but am never totally surprised, since that's just the way we humans are:
  • Let one or more of us discover or create some clearly worthwhile task that needs doing,
  • and do the basic groundwork so we all don't go off in different directions and waste advantages, 
  • and get things going as far and as efficiently as possible, since we're all so extremely busy,
  • and do as much as possible using existing resources,
  • and tell others how they can help or give them enough to figure it out themselves,
  • and, we will automatically help, once aware of what is being done and how and why -- if we can believe in it and can fit it in.
  • Because we know, instinctively and logically, that it's much better this way -- than any conceivable alternative -- TO GET THE MOST OUT THIS LIFE-EXPERIENCE.
  • Sincere thanks often comes, but not always.
  • As we all know, some things have to be done without expecting a direct return for our troubles (sadly, even thanks) -- but, in time, with persistence, the payoff will likely more-than-compensate for any transitory inconvenience -- because that's just how things are "supposed" to work and...  
"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing"

-- If you only knew 
-- and some of us do 
-- and some of us don't, yet

I hope that this City-Journal will soon become a regular place that helps us, more and more, to notice, celebrate, reward, and promote even more of the generous spirit that so abounds and blesses our lives and times.  

There were many things, this very year (and last),  I've just not managed to tell you about, YET (and even more I know await discovery) -- and wish things could have worked out differently, so that no worthy thing is ever overlooked.  I'll keep working on that, till there's nothing left to be done, to make this privileged task ever more thorough and regular -- always toward the public good.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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