Wednesday, July 10, 2013

BUY LOCAL #1 -- Pittsburg -- Highlands Square Shopping Center

Posted:  5 Feb 13

Then, as a stronger community, 
let's lift up those who surround us, 
higher than ever!

Our neighbors at The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce are doing yet another clever thing on Facebook! (Please see, below)

I've always felt it to be important to first look out for "home base."  In no way does this slight our neighboring sister-towns and communities -- for we need them to prosper, too.  But to do our best for them, we must be a strong and vibrant City, ourselves.

Last fall's election showed the City Fathers and Mothers, that we approved their request for a "sales tax increase," as necessary, under the circumstances, as we understand them.  Now, to make that tax-increase bear the desired fruit, we must spend as many dollars here as possible.  

This, in addition to the fact that our local businesses need to flourish, in order for Pittsburg to do so.

David Nelson

P.S.  And, let's all be "joiners."  Let's join as many community-building opportunities as we can:  The Chamber of Commerce, the social causes, the schools, the Historical Society, the various Cultural Arts efforts, Military and Veterans associations, everything we can.  It's so worthwhile, fun, and self-enriching.  We can make Pittsburg into any good thing we wish -- if we wish.  Oh, there's going to be much, much more about all of this, coming soon, in this blog!

Here's The Chamber, in it's own Facebook words:
Hey, Facebook friends!

Photo: Hey Pittsburg! Did you know that you can build a stronger local economy by shopping locally and supporting local merchants? It's that easy! Visit and find everything you need locally! :)Do you appreciate local businesses and go out of your way to support them? We do too! The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce is excited to be doing our part to get the word out about our new “Buy Local Pittsburg” campaign.

Here’s how it works: We are teaming up with various neighborhood shopping centers to help boost local businesses by advertising, establishing an online presence and a kick-off event for each center each month!

Help us support our first neighborhood shopping Center
Highlands Square Shopping Center 

by liking them on Facebook at:

And remember to always buy local first. When you shop with local merchants, more of your money stays close to home; supporting the parks, recreation centers, libraries and other things that make this community a great place to live!

Photo: Hey Facebook friends, Do you appreciate local businesses and go out of your way to support them? We do too! The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce is excited to be doing our part to get the word out about our new “Buy Local Pittsburg” campaign. Here’s how it works: We are teaming up with various neighborhood shopping centers to help boost local businesses by advertising, establishing an online presence and a kick-off event for each center each month! Help us support our first neighborhood shopping Center; Highlands Square Shopping Center by liking them on Facebook at:!/pages/Highlands-Square-Shopping-Center/125400460967058  And remember to always buy local first. When you shop with local merchants, more of your money stays close to home; supporting the parks, recreation centers, libraries and other things that make this community a great place to live!

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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