Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Railroad Book Depot -- February Newsletter

Posted:  4 Feb 13

It's official: February, the month of love has arrived.
2013 Black history Month Theme: At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality
black history

At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington
Dr. Carter G. Woodson realized the importance of providing a theme that would focus the attention of the public when he established Negro History week in 1926. The ASALH dedicates the 2013 Annual Black History Theme to celebrating the anniversary of two important African American turning points - the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation and the 1963 March on Washington.
The Emancipation Proclamation, decreed by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1st, 1863, declared slaves in all confederate states then at war with the Union "forever free" and made them eligible for paid military service in the Union Army. Although it did not end slavery in the nation, it did transform the character of the war. After the proclamation was made, every advance of Federal troops expanded the domain of freedom and black men were allowed to serve in the Union Army and Navy. By the end of the war almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for freedom.

Greetings Valued Customer!  

February is the month when some of us celebrate Valentine's Day by the giving of candy, flowers, and much more. It is also the time when American citizens observe Black History Month. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the contributions of African Americans in U.S. history.

Being that this is the month that love is in the air have you ever heard of the 5 Love Languages?  The 5 Love Languages are the ways that most people feel loved. They include: acts of service, quality time, gifts, words of affirmation, and physical touch. The key is to make sure you are loving the people you love the most, the way they need to be loved. Now at a glance this seems pretty easy and most of assume we are doing that. However, must keep in mind., we often show love the way we like to receive love, not necessarily the way others  need to be loved.
Therefore, although we feel like we are showing our love ones love, they may not be feeling as loved if that is not their language. So learning someone's primary love language can lead to richer, happier and healthier relationships. With that all being said and this being the month that L.O.V.E is in the air  We will be offering the love language quiz in the store, so come in with our spouse, children, teens, and or yourself to find the love language of those you love and yourself so that love can flow and grow....  
FEBRUARY 9, 2013 - 2:30-4:30PM


What if you could say or do just the right thing guaranteed to make that significant other feel loved? The secret is learning the right love language! Millions of couples have learned the simple way to express their feelings and bring joy back into their relationship.


The need to feel loved isn't confined to being in a marriage or even romance-everyone has a desire to be fulfilled by meaningful relationships and unconditional love. Love languages manifest in friendships, the workplace, in families, and in just about every human connection. Therefore leaning your love language is vital considering you are the one need to tell other how you need to be loved- think of how much time and energy you could save in building relationship if you were able to simply tell others your  love language.


Teens and parents often speak different languages-but the challenge goes beyond jargon and teen slang. Teens also develop strong love languages too, often without the ability to control or express their feelings. Dr. Chapman's trusted Love Language approach will assist you in guiding today's teen to effective emotional communication.

Primary love languages begin to take shape at an early age in children-but the need to feel loved begins and grows right away. With Dr. Ross Campbell's expertise in child development, Dr. Gary Chapman applies his love languages concept to children. Learn to strengthen the bond you and your children share by speaking their language.
As always it is a pleasure serving you our valued customer, we look forward to seeing you soon...

Railroad Book Depot Staff

Railroad Book Depot | 650 Railroad Avenue | Pittsburg | CA | 94565

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