Thursday, July 11, 2013


Posted: 11 July 13

Dear Fellow Citizens of the World -- friends or future friends, I dearly hope:

1.  While it wasn't my initial intention, I have taken virtually an entire season off from tending closely to this City-Journal -- slowing down other essential work, as well.  Fate insists on overarching (and overriding) my agenda with its own.

2.  Turns out, it was a badly needed break -- part vacation, part self-renewal, part mission re-thinking, and large part system construction -- for I am now re-energized and more sharply focused than ever.  My mental computer is augmented and "rebooted."  Now, my attention is back, more fully, on the task at hand and I confidently expect visible progress to resume, if fate reminds kind.

3.  I believe most of you are beginning to realize that the City-Journal is but a small part of a larger public service initiative I am pursuing.  If not, all will be made clear, ASAP.

4.  The Pittsburg City-Journal (PCJ)'s current mission is largely two-fold:  (1) to function as a system-building tool for my work purposes AND (2) as a public service instrument -- a vehicle for transmitting useful information in a deliberate and logical fashion -- in areas not adequately covered otherwise -- in support of a succession of even larger, enveloping systems.

My whole project seeks out needful niches to be served within this great human network -- taking fullest advantage of the "new" capabilities our magnificent Internet affords us.

And not just for Pittsburg, alone, but for the entire County, SFBA, State, and Nation and beyond.

More on all of this, later.

5.  However, as time and resources are so limited, my main attention must be on building the next set of systems, that are only possible, now that the PCJ exists as a secure foundation and is ready for the drastic revisions so necessary to support the next phases -- thus, delaying regular updating.

6.  Yet, I must try to insure that the momentum in the PCJ's growth-of-interest does not decline. Meaning, it must be kept populated with new and current practical information.  My problem is that the vital process of keeping published materials "fresh" for you entails a great deal of labor and focus, better utilized elsewhere -- at this particular time.

7.  I don't want to lose your interest or unduly deny to you useful, timely information.  I believe it is vital to the job I must do -- that readership only expand and never contract -- until the entire targeted public community (our entire on-line civic presence) -- is actively and regularly monitoring where the PCJ and follow-on systems intend to take us.  Then we can really build the particular public "grass-roots" cooperative and coordinative systems I feel we need so urgently.

8.  But, at the unavoidable risk of readership losses (temporary losses, I hope), I think you will find the next version of the PCJ, under construction, to be to our better advantage and worthy of the patience and loyalty being requested of you.  I am determined not to disappoint.

9.  So, there you are.  My excuse for not keeping the present version as closely updated as I desire. Yet, I will continually try to post practical things as ever they become ready for posting -- and as circumstance allows.

10.  Please keep in mind that this is all a work in progress and that time (with suitable determination and luck) is the great assembler (and disassembler) of all things.

Respectfully yours,
David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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