Sunday, July 14, 2013


Posted:  7 Feb 13

as you enter your senior years in and around Pittsburg...

Here is the Jan/Feb/Mar newsletter 
for the "Pittsburg 50+ Senior Club."  

Here are some newsletter highlights
  • Newly-elected club President, B.Z. Brisjar, lays out his plans for "continuing the spirit of charity (love) for which our club is known."  Lots of VERY, VERY GENEROUS scholarships were given last year.
  • Pittsburg Recreation Coordinator, Joy Walker, revealed some of the variety of special things to unfold during 2013 at the City's wonderful Senior Center, where the Club makes its home.
  • The Editor, Annette Jenkins, reported on the Club's Reno adventure and the Halloween "Monster Mash" festivities -- both in October.  She is the one who created this lovely newletter.
  • The newsletter goes on to report other goings-on of note and ends with an application form and an invitation to join in on all the fun and rewarding activities for members and those they are trying to serve.
  • Note: To print the "application form," click the button called "Scribd" in the lower left corner of the embedded frame.  This takes you to the hosting service control-panel page.  On the lower right of that page is a section to "download and print this document."  Save it as a PDF, open it, and print the last page.  Slick as glass.
To see more on how 
the Senior Center is being used, Click Here

Here is the newsletter.  
To enjoy a full-page view, please click the button in the bottom right of the embedded frame.  May take a few minutes to load ... your patience will be repaid in full.

Don't Forget!
>>>>>>>>>>> CC Café
Hot and Healthy Lunches Served
Monday - Friday at 11:30 a.m.
$2.00 -- (suggested meal donation)
*Reservation Required One Day in Advance

(925) 439-2136
*Call before 12:30 pm for lunch the following day.  
The nutrition program is offered to adults over 60.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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