Monday, October 7, 2013

Supervisor Glover Offers FREE 1-DAY GRANT-WRITING WORKSHOP -- 10/30/WED -- Hercules

Posted:  7 Oct 13

1.  Purpose

The purpose of this bulletin is to announce the 6th annual free grant-proposal-writing workshop presented by Contra Costa County, District Five -- on Wednesday, 30 October, from 8 to 4:30 pm -- in Hercules, CA.

The official announcement is embedded at the bottom of this bulletin.

2.  Synopsis of the Announcement

Writing a grant proposal -- successfully -- requires knowledge and skill.

The County has repeatedly shown that this free workshop is a very effective way to help community-based organizations (non-profit and government agencies) write winning grant proposals.

[No matter how worthy the cause, 
it can only hope to win the competition for scarce funds
 if proper procedures are followed 
and mistakes are minimized.]

Over the years, scores of attendees have won thousands of grant dollars after attending the one-day course.

David Nelson

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