Wednesday, October 2, 2013

AFTER-ACTION REPORT on City-Neighborhood Meeting of 10/1/13 (Part 2)

Posted:  2 Oct 13


  1. PCJ post, "AFTER-ACTION REPORT on City-Neighborhood Meeting of 10/1/13 (Part 1)"
  2. PCJ post, "AFTER ACTION REPORT: On the 8/20 Downtown Park Public Brainstorming Meeting (Amended: 8/25)"

1.  Purpose

The purpose of this bulletin, Part 2 of the after-action repor
t, continues to tell you about last night's very interesting City-Neighborhood meeting where City Hall came to the people.  Reference (1) above, links you to Part 1 of the report.

Specifically, this part focuses on:
  • The Planning Department's progress in conceptualizing the new City park to be developed in the heart of Old Town.  
  • Included, is a link which will enable you to view sketches of three design options for public consideration and reaction. The idea is to continue to fully engage the citizenry in creating a suitable park.

2.  Background

On August 20, the City and residents met to brainstorm ideas for park design.  A comprehensive after-action report on that meeting may be viewed by clicking reference (2), above.  There, you will find what fellow citizens have suggested, so far, to help define what the park is to be.

Last nightCity planner, Leigha Schmidt, who is administering this project for us, reported on her progress as it continues to advance through the all-important conceptualization stage.

She showed us a chart depicting sketches of the three design options.  It was astounding that she and a civil engineer on City staff, Sean Williams, managed to cleverly incorporate so many of the public suggestions, from the earlier meeting (see reference (2)), into the designs. [What a fine process to witness and assist]

Today, she provided links where each of the options may be closely examined and commented upon. 

3.  Requested Action

Kindly review the options provided and register your opinions by Thursday, October 10, 2013.  (You may click here, to do this)


David Nelson

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