Sunday, October 6, 2013


Posted:  6 Oct 13

1.  Purpose

This bulletin is to insure that you are aware of another lovely and unique entertainment option within Contra Costa County.  

Specifically, this is to give you this descriptive web-link to the "California Magic Club," a dinner and magic theater in downtown Martinez, the county seat. (By the way, did you know that the City of Martinez has a credible claim on the title of "home of the martini cocktail?")

2.  Background

Do you like unique dining experiences?  Do you like magicians strolling about, doing magic tricks and telling jokes at every dinner table?  Does the thought please you, of enjoying a fine meal followed by a great, bonafide magic show, up on stage, under the spotlights,  presented by first-rate professional magicians? Would you like to purchase a few magic specialty items with which to wow yourself and others, later?   

Do I know of a place for you, then.

For the last several years, various out-of-town guests and a daughter's birthday have been my wife's and my "excuses" for paying another visit to our favorite magic dinner place. It costs a bit more than "regular" dinner and a movie -- but you remember and smile for a long time afterwards -- for you will have been nicely fed and thoroughly entertained --  and will possess a unique and fond memory to share and savor.

And each show is always different.

3.  Skeleton Outline of a Magical Evening

3.1  Gerry Griffin is the kindly owner, host, and chief magician who makes it a point to warmly greet everyone at the door and check on their enjoyment throughout the evening. Here is a charming gentleman who loves his craft -- and is excellently generous and skilled at using it to please others.

  • He says, "There's something truly beautiful about seeing the impossible, and when you see the impossible presented up close by a gentleman with a twinkle in his eye and a smile in his voice, that's captivating."
  • And, as you leave, Gerry's always there to say good night, thanks for coming.

3.2  You'll be seated at a table suited to your party's size.  The dining/show room is attractive, comfortable, intimate, with subdued lighting, and seating for about 30 or 40 folks -- at a mix of small and larger tables.  The walls are covered with interesting photos of famed and unfamiliar magicians and memorabilia of the trade.  Totally informal.  Extremely cordial and attentive staff.  

3.3  While anticipation builds for the meal, whose smells have been enticing you all along, several staff and guest magicians (including Gerry) delight each and every table with close-up magic -- to abundant laughter and frequent bursts of applause.

3.4  Next, before you know it, a very artful and tasty dinner is sitting in front of you. Time continues to fly.  The mood heightens and lightens even further.  And soon, you're eagerly putting your fork down after the last pleasing morsel -- almost a signal for the stage show to begin.  

3.5  The generous length of that totally captivating show is just about right -- hands get sore after all that clapping.  The magicians always seem to be having as grand a time as their audience.  It's such a contagious pleasure to see someone truly enjoying their life's work or avocation.  (And the old saying proves wise, yet again, "Always leave 'em wanting more, rather than less.")

4.  In our opinion, this is an evening where you really get your money's worth.

You'll have to buy your tickets before you come -- for, as you can tell, they do a lot of advance preparation to make everything just right.

There's surely room for a little magic in this life!


David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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