Tuesday, April 2, 2013

SAFE DRIVER STRATEGY: Horrendous! Sad! Invaluable!

Posted:  8 Jan 13

Friends, this video is circulating on Facebook - 100's of 1000's of "hits."  It is horrendous and sad, but very instructive -- so I am sharing it, because I think it's far better for us all to know, than to not know.

Once you view it, perhaps you will be more receptive to the links I've placed below it.  New and experienced drivers may not fully appreciate the powerful forces under their command and to which they are subjected, when they undertake the very enjoyable and necessary task of operating a motor vehicle.   I certainly feel much wiser than I did before I watched this.

Perhaps, this video may burn into awareness the truth that, like any other significant thing we do in this life, it helps to understand, think ahead, remember, and make careful choices.

Recorded by police camera.  Posted -- on Facebook -- by Native Citizen News Network

When driving (or doing anything else important) leave room for the chance that things can go wrong -- you're going to need time and space in which to react.  Don't create your own surprises or fall victim to someone else's.

1.  Winter Driving -- a journey on winter roads not only requires special driving techniques, it also pays to consider and prepare for what can happen if you become stranded in the wilderness.

2.  Black ice -- sometimes called clear ice, refers to a thin coating of glazed ice on a surface.
    3.  Defensive Driving -- a Wikipedia discussion

    4.  DrivingTips.Org -- "There are many safe driving tips that increase safety for all drivers"

    5.   RoadSafeAmerica.org -- For truckers

    5.  Safe Driving, In general -- a Google search.

    6.  More videos of car crashes -- I'm not concerned, here, with the arguments condemning our "fascination" with images that depict violent transition from life to death -- except to say that part of our impulse to see for ourselves, surely has to do with the very human instinct to see and understand what can happen to us in this world.  From the pain and sorrow behind these videos is education which may give these tragedies meaning and value for those who remain behind -- and who didn't quite understand, before viewing them.

    ~~ a precious, fragile gift which can evaporate or fall into ruin, in an eye-blink of misjudgment or random chance

    David Nelson

    All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. 

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