Thursday, April 4, 2013

SPOTLIGHT ON: County Elections Chief Joe Canciamilla

Posted:  4 Apr 13

The other day, my friend, Greg Enholm, sent the following to me.  He's always sending me great stuff for the public good.


  • To provide some interesting information concerning Joe Canciamilla
  • For those who participate in the election processes (all of us)


Something Good to Know When Putting Candidates and Measures on the Ballot


All elected officials in the County -- as well as anyone who participates in the elections process including putting candidates and measures on the ballot -- may want to read this article (see below) about the new elections chief, Joe Canciamilla.  

Joe was sworn-in as Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder on April 1.  He was elected to the Pittsburg School Board (at 17!) going on to serve on the Pittsburg City Council, as County Supervisor, and as Assemblyman. [WOW!] 

He is also a lawyer and operates his family's funeral business.
I attended Joe's swearing in ceremony at the Clerk-Recorder's office in Martinez.

Greg Enholm
Elected Trustee
Contra Costa Community College District
Ward 5

Note:  Greg, serves for the (2012 to 2016 term) all or parts of Antioch, Bay Point, Bethel Island, Brentwood, Byron, Clyde, Discovery Bay, Knightsen, Oakley, and Pittsburg -- 200,000 total constituents!  He is also a Professor of Mathematics at DeVry University, San Francisco and has been vigorous in the public's service, for years and years.


Contra Costa's new elections chief Joe Canciamilla takes oath of office

By Lisa Vorderbrueggen
Contra Costa Times
Posted:   04/01/2013 04:00:36 PM PDT
Updated:   04/02/2013 07:10:59 AM PDT

MARTINEZ -- Contra Costa County's new elections chief Joe Canciamilla took the oath of office Monday, officially logging the next entry in his already lengthy public service résumé.

  • Canciamilla, a 57-year-old former state Assemblyman who was elected to his first office at age 17 [WOW!], succeeds Steve Weir, who retired March 29 after serving nearly 24 years in the countywide elected post.
  • "Steve was always an advocate for this office, and I pledge to the staff that I will do the same," said Canciamilla before a roomful of staff, family, friends and elected officials, who gathered at noon in the downtown county elections building, now named after Weir. "I intend to uphold the same level of integrity and service that has been a hallmark of this office for years."

Even as a youngster, Canciamilla wanted "to do what was right and what was fair," said Contra Costa Supervisor Federal Glover of Pittsburg, a lifelong friend and political ally who conducted the ceremony.

The county Board of Supervisors selected Canciamilla on Feb. 12 to fill the balance of Weir's four-year term from among a field of 18 applicants, including Weir's brother, Pleasant Hill Councilman Jack Weir. 

  • To keep the $150,000-a-year job, Canciamilla must win an election in 2014.
  • The clerk-recorder and registrar of voters is responsible for managing a $14 million annual budget and the 86 employees who handle the county's elections and legal documents such as property deeds. 
  • He will also be the county's civil marriage commissioner.

Canciamilla comes to the job with 35 years of experience holding public office. 

  • He was still in school when he won his first election -- to the school board. 
  • The mortician and co-owner of the Pittsburg Funeral Chapel served three terms in the Assembly as a Democrat following a single term on the Board of Supervisors. 
  • He also served eight years on the Pittsburg City Council.

While in Sacramento

  • Canciamilla founded the "Mod Squad," which included moderate members of the two major parties who publicly tangled with their leaders. 
  • He intended to run for state Senate in 2008 against Mark DeSaulnier -- who ultimately won and was re-elected to a second term in 2012 -- but bowed out after Democratic Party leaders threatened a brutal opposition campaign.

Canciamilla registered as having "no party preference" in 2011.

  • He has a bachelor's degree in management from Saint Mary's College 
  • and a law degree from John F. Kennedy University. 
  • His wife, Laura, is an elected member of the Pittsburg School Board.

It appears that the vital election process remains in excellent hands!

Much obliged, Greg,

David Nelson

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