Monday, April 15, 2013

CALENDAR: Pittsburg's Neighborhood Program Events 4/13 to 6/1

Posted:  15 Apr 13

Ref:  City of Pittsburg, CA Neighborhood Program, Facebook Page


To summarize above-referenced upcoming events.  For more details, please see the City's Facebook page and selected City-Journal bulletins, as linked below some event statements, here.

Workload permitting, I will try to accumulate new announcements here -- in reverse month-order.  I am starting to get overloaded by all the accumulators to be maintained and new bulletins to be added -- it's still just me who's drafting most of and publishing all of the bulletins posted here.  Please visit the City's Facebook page in order to stay most current.  This is mainly a "heads-up" service.

Summary of Upcoming Events
(In reverse month-order)

June 2013
6/01 - City of Pittsburg Neighborhood Meetings (5/7/Wed and Jun/1/Sat - 2013)

May 2013
5/05 - TOUR (Self-Driving): 9th Annual "Bring Back the Natives Garden Tour" (10:00am - 5:00pm)
5/07 - City of Pittsburg Neighborhood Meetings (5/7/Wed and Jun/1/Sat - 2013)
5/18 - The GREAT Pittsburg Clean Up! 5/18/13/Sat/ 9am - 11am - Kirker Creek
5/18 to 5/19 -- East Bay 2013 Sustainability Challenge

April 2013
4/13 - Save a Life Saturday
4/20 - HEALTH FAIR:  Spring Into Health (9:00am to 1:00pm) - Hillview Gymnasium
4/22 - Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training begins
4/27 - National Prescription Drug Take-back Day (10:00am to 2:00pm) -- Pittsburg Police Dept - 252-4839 -- more information at

David Nelson


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