Tuesday, August 28, 2012



As another attempt by the City-Journal to serve the public good, this is to invite all candidates for local (City, County, and SF Bay Area-Regional) public office to submit relevant material for inclusion in this City-Journal.


Don't forget to include any links to your web sites and objects.


To insure fairness and simplicity, I intend to devote one page to each candidate who requests it (that may not be a feasible limit -- still trying things out -- I don't intend to exclude vital information, even if more pages are needed, if that proves sensible to do).

I will try to pack as much material as you wish on your page, but I encourage you to be concise, as the capability for readers to navigate large pages herein can be extremely awkward.

Also, you should know that "digital images" (jpegs, pdf's, embedded videos, etc) often have a tendency to appear on the faces of flip-cards, on the bulletin board page. This tends to hide the title of the posting -- which may lead to readers to overlook your page as a point of interest (I hope not, but...).

I always try to fix this unfortunate blog-behavior -- sometimes that effort works, sometimes it doesn't -- text is ALWAYS safe, but if you must send images, I'll try to work around this -- I have a few tricks up my sleeve) for you.

Contact Information

During this hectic start-up process in the life of the City-Journal, I have yet to set up an email address for City-Journal business, though it's definitely on the list.  My personal address is already a busy place, so there's a chance I could miss your request for inclusion if I send you there, directly.

Therefore, for the time being, please put your name, public office being sought, and an email address or phone number in the comment area, below  -- and I will call or write YOU, in response, at the first possible moment -- and will remove your comment from here, as soon as I've captured your contact information -- unless you indicate otherwise.

You may also call me at (925) 252-9644.  Normal hours, up to around 9:00 pm are okay, as you prefer.  I know this is a busy time for you.

Respectfully yours,

David Nelson,
Editor & Publisher

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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