Wednesday, August 8, 2012


0808 1442 -- AT OUR PERIL

We disrespect the driver of our "Ship of State" at our peril.

We can disagree as to the course he is steering, but only one set of hands belong on the wheel.

He is at the focal point where things converge -- things which only he is positioned to see. Things at which we can only guess, from the comfort of our little homes, free of all responsibility, accountability, and without perfect information.

We can warn him, but to attack his very soul, when he has everything at stake in trying to be a "good man," does not make a complex job any easier -- and the easier it is, the better for us all.

The founding fathers gave us four years in which to judge -- we can reaffirm his stewardship or reject it. Only then can we know what all the people think.

It's easy to commit error and injustice when we back-seat drive, with over-confidence.

There are duties for good leaders to perform. AND there are duties for GOOD CITIZENS to perform. Two sides of the same coin. IMHO.

I feel the same about Former President Bush, and all the basically good men who came before. You can only do the best that you can do -- and not an iota more.

There are millions and millions of conflicting views that need to be reconciled. In comparison, we "ordinary" citizens have only a few things in our lives to reconcile, and we all know, even that isn't easy.

Your responses are welcome in the comment section below.

David Nelson

Tag:  "Presidency"

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