Friday, August 3, 2012

A CLOSER LOOK: The U.S. State Department


As we all know, wisest action has to take account of the circumstances which affect our choices.  We have to anticipate, detect, and influence changes that might affect the favorable balancing of our life-experience.

We do this close to home, within our neighborhood surroundings, the adjacent City-Neighborhoods, the City as a whole, the County, the SF Bay economic region, the State, the Nation, the planet, and its ever larger surroundings, far beyond.  If we are reasonable (and have reasonable opportunities), we simply can't not do this -- it is human nature, in its most thoughtful aspect -- to keep an eye on developments that can improve or worsen things, and to remain ready to dance to whatever tune fate chooses to play.

On the global level, our State Department is a fabulous resource to help us manage our personal and collective situations within our dynamic world.  

If knowledge is power, here is an "energy pellet" -- the U.S. State Department Website -- access to situational assessments for every nation on earth.

Tag: "US Government"

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