Thursday, August 2, 2012

Adult Education, Community Band, & Small World Park


What a lucky thing that Greg Enholm, Library Commissioner for our part of the County, forwarded for PCJ publication, the below video of our Pittsburg Community Band, led by Band Director Diane Klaczynski, performing in Small World Park, back in 2006.

During the Pittsburg Mayor's Ice Cream Social held at Small World Park in 2006, 
the Pittsburg Community Band performed.

Not only was the performance by the Pittsburg Community Band pleasing, and the setting perfect, I also became aware of something I had missed -- the existence of the band at all.  I'm still learning things, every day, about our home town.  Surely, I'll run out of "new" things to discover at some point or the other?

After looking into it a little further, I learned from Jack Kane, Vice Principal, Pittsburg Adult Education Center, that enrollment with the band is done as part of course registration with the Center.  Registration will begin there on 27 August.  Mr. Kane advises that the course catalog will be publicly available in the very near future.

Here is the website for the Adult Education Center.  When the coming season's schedule becomes available, we'll try to let you know.

This may be an opportunity for musicians, former musicians, and aspiring ones to have a good time entertaining the community -- while increasing the all-important opportunities for us all to socialize together.  It looks like fun and they sound great!

Tags: "Community Band," "Park - Small World"

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