Saturday, May 31, 2014


Posted:  17 May 14
Reissued:  23 May 14
Update #2:  24 May 14 (additions to accumulated data sources)

This bulletin supersedes (or supplements) 
the original bulletins, submerged below this one

1.  Purposes of this Re-issued Bulletin
  • To report that the site will REGULARLY receive data from the Pittsburg Police Department and will present it on the site, as received. So residents might do well to adopt a regular site-visit routine
  • To provide some reassuring information about the website, itself -- and how it handles the data.
  • To provide a random accumulation of additional relevant data sources
Here is the link:  SPOTCRIME.COM
REMEMBER == This Website is NATIONAL In Scope!

2.  Discussion

a.  This afternoon, I received a phone call from Mr. Colin Drane, the site's founder, informing me that he talked with the Chief of Police for Pittsburg, Chief Addington.  He was delighted to say that the Chief has promptly arranged to send updates to SpotCrime, every week. And the Pittsburg data has been updated, ALREADY! (just visit the site).  The Chief deserves our thanks for this excellent support.

b.  Mr. Drane has done us a great service.  His careful follow-up has enabled the Chief to easily pass the information forward and has given us an easy way to get at it. I've had the privilege of talking, at length, with Colin and have come to appreciate his sincere and firm desire to help make this a better world -- and he's succeeding, brilliantly.  His friendliness, reliability, and unbelievably prompt and in-depth responsiveness -- plus the quality of his website -- literally blows my mind.  A wonderful resource has just fallen into our lap.

c.  Finally, Colin advises that the data does report "initial calls."  Therefore, a "911" call for, say, "gunshots heard," which turns out to have been a backfiring car -- is still reported in the data.  So, I think that suggests that we should allow for a bit of inflation.

3.  Other New information in this re-issue.  

I retained the earlier bulletin and updates, below this reissue, for historical purposes. I'm still figuring out the best way to administer the blog and I think this will do, for now.  

In addition, I include the following accumulation of relevant resources, to assist you and as an aid in related Civic Mentor system-building activities.

(in random order -- new additions on top of this list)

Crime Reports:  Google search

Crime Reports: (similar to

FBI Sex Offender Registry (all States):


Department of Justice:

Bureau of Justice Statistics:


National Institute of Justice:

Federal Bureau of Prisons:

U.S. Marshals Service:

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund:

Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT):

Partnership Against Violence Network (PAVNET):

National Organization for Victim Assistance:

National Center for Victims of Crime:

America's Most Wanted Criminals:

Fugitives & Missing Persons (at DOJ):

David Nelson


UPDATE #2:  19 May 14

Received first email alert, for Pittsburg,CA.  It does contain crime data for Pittsburg.  Sign-up for the free alerts.

UPDATE #1:  18 May 14

As promised, I contacted the hard-working producers of the below website and received an immediate response.  My questions concerned the lack of information for Pittsburg, CA.  The amazingly prompt answer (at the bottom of this bulletin) is very helpful, locally, and probably, for the rest of the nation encountering the same issues.


Original Bulletin


To inform readers of an easy way to get crime statistics for their specific locality, nationwide. (Still evaluating the site.)

Here is the link:  SPOTCRIME.COM


I discovered this site, this morning.  I looked up data for my home area.  That produced an unexpected result.  Instead of telling me what I wanted, it told me about the next adjacent city.

I also noted that the statistics don't seem to be in real time -- it gave me reports as of 5/11/14.  Just saying ... since it would be unreasonable to expect real-time information.

In fairness, it may be that no one has reported to them for Pittsburg -- and they were just giving me the closest thing they had.   It may be that it is fed its data from local voluntary reports. (?)  I have written to them, to open a discussion, and will adjust this bulletin, accordingly.

That being said, it does give a sense of the surroundings.  As I develop the subsystems related to this topic, I will give you a comprehensive collection of sites and, hopefully, an analysis of their relative quality.

I did sign up for their email alert service.

I also checked --  AND THEY SEEM TO BE A NATIONAL SERVICE (all the States are there, but I didn't open each one to check, explicitly) -- up on the left-hand end of the maroon-colored horizontal menu bar is a button "Browse crime by state."

Please advise us (in the comment space, below) if you experience more interesting things about the site.

David Nelson's 5/17/14 Answer to my Inquiry


Thanks for your email and your call.

We reached out to the Pittsburg CA police back in 2009.  I see that the chief responded to our correspondence, but I don't see a response to our request for information.  It may have been a lack of follow up on our part.

From a quick view of the police website, it does not look like the data is published in an open format.   I do see that the paper is getting some blotter information.  We will reach out to the police department next week and ask for similar information, and hopefully start mapping the data shortly thereafter.

Please reach out to your department and ask them to share crime data with us.  We map for free.  We are the most visited crime mapping website in the US and have apps for both Android and the iPhone.

Requests from local citizens can be helpful.


Colin Drane

All Original Content © 2014 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

City of Pittsburg: PUSD Press Release

PUSD Press Release
Appointment of New Superintendent
Posted Date: 5/29/2014
Pittsburg Unified School District
2000 Railroad Avenue, Pittsburg, California 94565
Phone: (925) 473-2300  FAX: (925) 473-4274

May 29, 2014
Appointment of New Superintendent
The Pittsburg Unified School District Board of Trustees is delighted to announce that a finalist for the position of Superintendent of Pittsburg Unified School District has been identified and final negotiations for a contract are in progress. It is anticipated that ratification of the appointment of Dr. Janet Schulze as the district's next superintendent will occur on June 4, 2014, at a regular meeting of the Board of Education.
Dr. Schulze is currently the Assistant Superintendent of High Schools for the San Francisco Unified School District, where she leads the implementation of the district's equity focused strategic plan across the district's 20 comprehensive, alternative, court and county high schools. A native of Wisconsin, Janet began her teaching career in El Paso, Texas as a 7th grade English and Reading teacher. She has been a Student Activities Director and Assistant Principal in El Paso and a High School Principal in San Francisco. In all of her positions she has enjoyed using her Spanish to communicate with the communities. She completed her Doctorate of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in the Urban Superintendent's Program and also did field work in Sacramento as part of her degree. "I am honored that the Board of Trustees has selected me to be Superintendent. I am especially proud to be part of the Pittsburg Unified School District that has a clear commitment to equity and high expectations for all students," Dr. Schulze said.
The Board of Trustees made its decision with input gathered from all key stakeholder groups in the District regarding the qualities of the next Superintendent. Careful attention was paid to the priorities and concerns of all community constituents. Sally Frazier and Don Iglesias, consultants from the firm of Leadership Associates, assisted the Board in its search.
Based on the feedback received from our parents, staff, and community members, we were looking for someone who is a collaborative leader and who is familiar with and committed to Pittsburg's mission, vision, core values, and community. Candidates were considered after a rigorous screening and interview process, and Janet Schulze was chosen as the best fit for Pittsburg.
"I look forward to working with the entire Pittsburg community as we strive to provide a high level of instruction where each child can reach his or her fullest potential," Janet said.
George H. Miller, President of the Board Pittsburg Unified School District

City of Pittsburg: Pittsburg's Culinary Crawl Returns June 5

Pittsburg's Culinary Crawl Returns June 5
Posted Date: 5/28/2014

Culinary crawl to start June 5 in Pittsburg's Old Town

By Eve Mitchell
Contra Costa Times
PITTSBURG -- The city's culinary crawl is back for its second year after sellout events during its inaugural run last summer.
The popular restaurant walking tour -- which lets participants sample mini-appetizers from six Old Town restaurants -- kicks off June 5. And like last year, the weekly crawls will alternate on Thursday nights, with classic car shows on Railroad Avenue throughout the summer months.
The three-hour crawl will make stops at New Mecca Cafe, LaVeranda Ristorante, Lumpy's Diner, EJ Phair Restaurant & Brewery, Dad's BBQ and the Hall of Fame Sports Bar & Grill. On average, between 135 and 150 people attended each crawl last year.
The crawl concept gets people out to new places, said Dietra King, one of the owners of Dad's BBQ.  "There were people who came to the restaurant who had never come to the restaurant," she said of last year's crawls. "It gave them the opportunity to do some tasters." It also helped improve business at the restaurant, she added.
One change this year is a higher ticket price: $10 instead of the $5, which covers all six restaurants.
"Last year was to get the word out and get people excited about something," said Kolette Simonton, the city's community relations manager.  Surveys taken of those who went on the crawls determined that people would be willing to pay from $10 to $20 for each walking tour.  "We didn't want to do $20; we figured $10 was the right amount," Simonton said. "And this year, we did not limit the tickets like we did last year."
If you want to buy a ticket, don't look to make the purchase online. Tickets will be sold only at the Railroad Book Depot. Not having online sales accomplishes a couple things: It avoids a service charge associated with the online transaction and gets people downtown.
"By selling tickets in the bookstore, it also brings traffic to the bookstore. We encourage people to purchase in advance," Simonton said. "That way, we know how many people are coming, and the restaurants have a better idea of how many people they are serving."
That said, there are expectations that some people will buy tickets at the last minute, she added.
For more information, go to or call 925-252-4860.
Contact Eve Mitchell at 925-779-7189. Follow her on
get ready to crawl
June 5 -- Culinary crawl hosting restaurant, New Mecca Cafe
June 19 -- Classic car show, Opening night, PHDs Band
June 26 -- Culinary crawl hosting restaurant, La Veranda Ristorante
July 10 -- Classic car show, All-American classics, Sam-One Band
July 17 -- Culinary crawl hosting restaurant, Lumpy's Diner
July 24 -- Classic car show, Car club night, Vocal Ease & The Boogie Men
July 31 -- Culinary crawl hosting restaurant, EJ Phair Restaurant & Brewery
Aug. 7 -- Classic car show, Back to the Future, Nicky D & the Extreme All-Stars
Aug. 14 -- Culinary crawl hosting restaurant, Dad's BBQ
Aug. 21 -- Classic car show, Closing night, Project 4 Band
Aug. 28 -- Culinary crawl hosting restaurant, Hall of Fame Sports Bar & Grill
Culinary crawl tickets are $10 and sold at the Railroad Book Depot, 650 Railroad Ave. Each crawl starts at 5 p.m. at Railroad Book Depot and finishes at the hosting restaurant with a raffle and entertainment. There is free admission to the classic car show, which takes place from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Railroad Avenue between Fourth and Sixth streets.
(Events are not scheduled over the Fourth of July weekend and the weekend that follows the June 11 graduation ceremony for Pittsburg High School.)
2014    Schedule

HEALTH: 16 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

Posted:   29 May 14


Here is something you might find interesting, if not life-changing.  Also this website has a wealth of other interesting articles.  In no way is this an endorsement of the site.  It is pretty impressive to me and seems very credible -- making claims that are readily verifiable.  You may want to do some verifying before taking action.  And, of course, keep your physician "in the loop."

From the website:  (self-reputed to be the World's number one Natural Health site)

From the Introduction to the Article

"It’s probably not something you think about every day, whether or not the foods you are eating could contain carcinogens, but with almost 1.5 million people diagnosed with some type of cancer just last year, perhaps it’s time to look at what is in our foods that could be causing such a huge number of new cancer patients. Here is a list of the top 16 foods that you most likely consume every day that may contain carcinogens or be suspected of causing cancer. [more...]"

Extra Information -- About GMO's.

You've probably been hearing the term, more and more.  Here is a Wikipedia discussion of GMO's

Eat in Good Health,

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The White House -- 5/27 SCIENCE FAIR (Update: 5/28/14)

Posted:  27 May 14
Updated:  28 May 14 (Presidential video added)

​​POTUS, Robots, and More:

Note:  We, in the west, will probably miss the televised Science fair.  But, if there is a video released, I'll try to post a link here.  If I get it, I will add the word "Updated" to this bulletin -- or publish a separate one.   DN

5/28/14 -- Here is the video:  "President Obama Tours the 2013 White House Science Fair"

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:53 AM, The White House <> wrote:
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
POTUS, Robots, and More:
The fourth-ever White House Science Fair is today. And you're going to want to tune in.
Starting at 10:00 a.m. ET, you can watch all the festivities at -- from interviews with student innovators, to project demonstrations, to the President's remarks and walkthrough.
Take our word for it -- you really don’t want to miss this one.
Make sure you're watching starting at 10 a.m. ET -- and if you've got a hankering for science in the meantime, take a look at some footage from past Science Fairs (read: robots, the President, and kids).
Watch a promo for the White House Science Fair.
Stay Connected

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Contra Costa County Fair eNewsletter

Posted:  26 May 14

Contra Costa County Fair eNewsletterMay 2014
Quick Links
Exhibit Forms
Community Stage Application

Still Exhibits
Education Division
Coloring Page

Junior Barn Crew

Junior Livestock Auction Buyer Brochure

2014 Vendor App Download

Fair Scholarship Program

Contact Us

Like us on Facebook       View our videos on YouTube  
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What's Happening at the Fairgrounds?
To learn more about what is happening all year long, visit us on our website at and be sure to follow us on Facebook 
Contra Costa County Fairgrounds Upcoming Events
Fair Logo # 2
November 15TH & 16TH

May29th - June 1st, 2014
at the Contra Costa County Fairgrounds in Antioch. 
2014 Contra Costa County Fair
Promotions and Specials 
$4 KID

BUY NOW SAVE $7 RIDE WRISTBANDSOne day unlimited ride wristband $18available May 1st-May 28th
Available at the Fairgrounds office
and online at      
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Family Fun Pass for only $20
Includes (4) 1 day Fair Admission Tickets
Can be used for a family or split up any days of the Fair for an individual

Three for FREE ~ Bring in 3 cans of food...get in FREE
Carnival $1 Day ~ Ride Tickets are $1amp; all rides take only 1 ticket
Senior Day ~ FREE admission for Seniors (62 & Better) & Red Hatters
Salute Armed Forces ~ FREE admission for you & 1 guest (Military ID)
Contra Costa Little League Day ~ Wear team jersey receive 1 FREE admission
Kids 12 & Under ~ FREE admission all day for kids 12 & under
Family Carnival Deal ~ Buy 1 Carnival Ride Wristband & get 1 FREE (until 6pm)  
$3 off adult admission with Tri-Delta Transit bus pass
May 29th    6:30 p.m. ~ Paperback Writer`Tribute to the Beatles'
            8:30 p.m. ~ Rodeo House
     9:45 p.m. ~ Rodeo House
May 30th    7:30 p.m. ~ FOGHAT
            9:45 p.m. ~ Superbad 
          10:00 p.m. ~ Superbad
May 31st     5:30 p.m. ~ Travelin' BandSalute to Creedence Clearwater
                    9:30 p.m. ~ The Spazmatics
                  10:45 p.m. ~ The Spazmatics
June 1st    2:00 - 8:00 p.m.~ Live Hispanic Music Celebration        

Daily FREE Attractions for the Whole Family!
The Birdman Show * Skip Banks Balloon Man * Clown College * Circus Imagination * Pig Races * Kids Tractor Pulls * Woodcarving & Auction * RC Car Races * Livestock Shows* Roller Derby * And More


Contra Costa County Fair | 1201 W. 10th St. Antioch | CA | 94509

Friday, May 23, 2014

City of Pittsburg: Pittsburg Pops Continues at California Theatre

Pittsburg Pops Continues at California Theatre
Four more shows announced
Posted Date: 5/23/2014

newPittsburg Arts & Community Foundation


Pittsburg Pops Continues at California Theatre

PITTSBURG, CA - May 19, 2014: The Pittsburg Arts & Community Foundation announced the Pittsburg Pops summer event schedule for monthly shows with renowned entertainers at the historic California Theatre in Old Town Pittsburg.

On June 21, The Best Intentions presents a rousing, energetic Motown Revue. On July 12, Shane Dwight appears with his brand of rock and blues guitar. On August 16, world class artists Marcus Shelby Jazz Orchestra featuring Faye Carol return to Pittsburg, and will present a special preshow workshop and lecture in the Pittsburg Library Community Room. Closing out the summer season on September 20, Rolando Morales brings his Latin/Flamenco musical style to the California Theatre stage. All shows begin at 8 p.m.

Individual ticket prices begin at $15 and can be purchased at the California Theatre Box Office at 351 Railroad Avenue, by telephone at 925-427-1611, or online by visiting

Pittsburg Pops was reintroduced by the Pittsburg Arts & Community Foundation earlier this year with performances at the California Theatre by the Junius Courtney Big Band and Foreverland, a 14 piece tribute band to Michael Jackson.

The Pittsburg Arts and Community Foundation is a local non-profit organization with a mission that includes promotion of the performing arts, literacy, visual arts and cultural events. Pittsburg Pops brings high caliber entertainers to the historic California Theatre at affordable ticket prices.

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are still available. For additional information, contact Pops producer Timi Tumbaga at 925-639-2981.

Pittsburg Pops Upcoming Entertainers:The Best Intentions:
Shane Dwight:
Marcus Shelby Jazz Orchestra:
Rolando Morales:

Contact: Timi Tumbaga, Event Producer
(925) 639-2981 Email:

City of Pittsburg: Help Shape the Future of Your Community - ONLINE SURVEY

Posted:  23 May 14

Help Shape the Future of Your Community - on-line survey

Help Shape the Future of Your Community!

The Contra Costa County Consortium, which includes the cities of Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, Walnut Creek, and the County of Contra Costa (on behalf of all the other towns and cities in Contra Costa) receive federal HOME, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding every year. Over a five year period, these funds will total over $50 million!!

These federal funds, administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can be used to build new affordable housing, rehabilitate homes for lower income and senior homeowners, improve or construct public facilities and parks, improve infrastructure in lower income neighborhoods, provide employment training and assistance to small business owners, provide a wide variety of services for lower income families and individuals, and homeless persons, and SO MUCH MORE!

We want to hear from you.. Every five years, YOU, your friends, your neighbors, and your community have the opportunity to help identify your community's greatest needs, and determine how these funds are spent to help address those needs. Please take a few moments to complete an online survey by going to and clicking "Community Needs Survey". 

This survey will take approximately 20 minutes, so please be prepared to give it your thoughtful consideration.

In addition, make sure you attend one of several public meetings that will be held in your area (see below). Your feedback is part of the process to create the Consortium's 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan for the use of the funds received from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

THANK YOU for caring about your community by providing feedback to help direct the funding of federal programs over the next five years!!

Public Meetings Schedule

East Contra CostaThursday, June 5, 2014 6:00 PM
Brentwood Community Center
35 Oak Street, Brentwood 

For more information, please call Gabriel Lemus at (925) 674-7882

Central County
Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:30 PM
Walnut Creek Civic Park Community Center Lounge
1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek

For more information, please call Margot Ernst at (925) 943-5899 x2208

For more information on the five year planning process and other opportunities to participate, please contact the Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development at (925) 674-7882 or visit us on the web at

The Consortium will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend these meetings who contact the above contacts at least 24 hours before the meeting.

The Consortium will provide translation assistance at these meetings for persons who contact the above contacts at least 72 hours before the meeting.

¡Ayude a formar el futuro de su comunidad!

El Consorcio del Condado de Contra Costa, que incluye las ciudades de Antioch, Concord, Pittsburg, Walnut Creek y el Condado de Contra Costa (en nombre de todos los otros pueblos y ciudades en el Condado) reciben fondos federales que incluye la programas de Subsidios para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG en sus siglas en inglés), Asociaciones para Inversión en Viviendas (HOME en sus siglas en inglés), y Subsidios para Refugios de Emergencia (ESG en sus siglas en inglés). ¡Durante un período de cinco años, estos fondos totalizarán más de $50 millones!

Estos fondos federales, administrados por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD en sus siglas en inglés) pueden utilizarse para construir nuevas viviendas asequibles, rehabilitar viviendas para propietarios de bajos ingresos y ancianos, mejorar o construir parques e instalaciones públicas, mejorar la infraestructura en los barrios de ingresos bajos, proporcione la formación (entrenamiento) de empleo y asistencia a propietarios de negocios pequeñas, ofrecen una variedad de servicios para familias de bajos ingresos y para personas sin hogar, y mucho más!

Queremos escuchar de Usted..Cada cinco años, tú, tus amigos, tus vecinos y su comunidad tienen la oportunidad de ayudar a identificar las necesidades más importantes de su comunidad y determinar cómo se gastan estos fondos para ayudar a resolver esas necesidades. Por favor, tómese unos minutos para completar una encuesta electrónica yendo a y haciendo clic en "encuesta de las necesidades de la comunidad". Esta encuesta tomará aproximadamente 20 minutos, así que por favor esté preparado para darle su consideración pensativa.

Y asegúrese de asistir una de las varias juntas públicas que se llevarán a cabo en su área (vea abajo). Su participación es parte del proceso para crear el Plan Consolidado del 2015-2020 del Consorcio para el uso de fondos federales recibidos del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD en sus siglas en inglés).

¡Gracias por preocuparse por su comunidad proporcionando información para ayudar a dirigir los fondos de programas federales en los próximos cinco años!

Horario de Juntas Públicas
Oeste del CondadoJueves, 5 de junio del 2014 6:00 PM
Brentwood Community Center
35 Oak Street, Brentwood

Para más información, favor de llamar a Gabriel Lemus al (925) 674-7882

Centro del CondadoJueves, 29 de mayo del 2014 6:30 PM
Walnut Creek Civic Park Community Center Lounge
1375 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek

Para más información, favor de llamar a Margot Ernst al (925) 943-5899, ext. 2208

Para más información sobre el proceso de planificación de cinco años y otras oportunidades para participar, favor de comunicarse al Departamento de Conservación y Desarrollo del Condado de Contra Costa al (925) 674-7882 o visítenos en el internet a

El Consorcio proporcionará acomodaciones razonables para personas con discapacidades planeando asistir estas juntas que se comuniquen con las personas mencionadas arriba por lo menos 24 horas antes de la junta.

El Consorcio proporcionará asistencia de traducción en estas juntas para personas que se ponen en contacto con las personas mencionadas arriba por lo menos 72 horas antes de la junta.