Saturday, November 9, 2013

VETERANS DAY CONCERT at the California Theatre -- A HUGE SUCCESS! (Update #1)

Posted:  9 Nov 13
*Updated: 12 Nov 13

Tonight's 1st Annual Veterans Day concert at Pittsburg's California Theatre was a big smash in my opinion (and my wife's).

It was a lovely, community-building event in a great cause (for the Veterans Employment Committee of Contra Costa County) -- and the very start of a tradition which will surely grow over the years -- especially, now that the California Theater is up and running. Even appropriately printed T-shirt mementoes were passed out at the door to our delighted surprise.

A little more than half the seats were filled, which was quite respectable for the first event of its kind.  No doubt, as word of mouth does its work, a bursting auditorium will probably become the norm.

The bands were top-notch entertainers and fun to watch and admire. The music was a little loud (for us senior citizen types), but I suspect that will be modulated next time -- especially if that type of happy music is repeated -- classic rock 'n' roll, foot-tapping, body moving irresistibles.

A fabulous guitarist-singer (*Billy Shaub) rendered splendid versions of Neil Diamond favorites.   He left us wanting a whole lot more. We would definitely attend more of his performances and will keep a watchful eye out for his next appearances.  (I am so sincere about this and about everything else I deliberately say)

The undeniable high point: We all jumped to our feet to offer vigorous and prolonged applause to Medal of Honor winner, *Staff Sgt. Ty Carter. When we finally quieted down to allow him to speak, this fine, brave gentlemen spoke inspiring words to us.

What a sense of pride and privilege washed over the auditorium. I had to rush home and look up his citation, as follows.  As you would expect, it is utterly awesome.

City Councilmember Ben Johnson -- who is very, very active in veterans affairs, among many other voluntary community efforts -- was in his usual photographic mode and has already started building an album of the event on his Facebook page.

He will be presiding over Monday's free Kiwanis breakfast at the Community Center and the Veterans Day ceremony to follow.  Details on these events may be found in this City-Journal bulletin.

David Nelson

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