Friday, November 8, 2013

VETERANS DAY 2013 WEEKEND -- Honors and Joy for Days to Come

Posted:  8 Nov 13


To publicize some practical information concerning this annual commemoration of exemplary courage and sacrifice in the greatest of causes -- preservation of our nation against all comers and the continuing chance to enhance both our way of life and our home planet. (Things could have turned out far differently... lucky, lucky us!)

The information applies to commemorative activities within the successively larger territories that contain and shield us all, as neighbors of our City and County, Economic Area, Great State, West Coast Region, and throughout our much beloved and respected Nation.  (Stars and Stripes Forever! Amen! Courtesy of the United States Marine Band and, of course, John Philip Sousa)

Festoon the land with the most meaningful color-set on earth -- red, white, and blue.  But do not half-mast the national ensign on Monday (When to fly your American flag).  Let her fly high!

The Link-List

1.  In Pittsburg

  • 11/9/SAT/4 pm -- A FREE CONCERT: "1st Annual Veterans Benefit Jam" -- 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9, California Theatre, 351 Railroad Ave., Pittsburg. The event is in recognition and appreciation of veterans service and will help support The Veterans Employment Committee of Contra Costa County. Music by The Delta Dogs, The RaveUps, The Blondies, Billy Schaub, Syria Berry, and special guests. Admission is free; donations appreciated. All proceeds will benefit area veterans. Tickets: 925-427-1047.
  • 11/11/MON/8 & 11 am -- BREAKFAST & CEREMONY to Honor Veterans: Breakfast: 8 a.m., Ceremony: 11 a.m.  Pittsburg Senior Center, 300 Presidio Lane. Breakfast sponsored by the Pittsburg Kiwanis Club. For information, call Ben Johnson, 925-252-4850.

2.  In Contra Costa County

6.  Around the Nation

Have another safe, joyous, and meaningful weekend!  
It's all been bought and paid for, many times over 
(Lucky, lucky US!!!)

David Nelson
Fellow Citizen of a Great World and Humankind's Crown Jewel

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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