Friday, June 21, 2013

GREAT AMERICAN WIKNIC 2013 -- Oakland: Lake Merritt - 6/23/13/Sun/ 12:34 pm

Posted:  21 Jun 13


  1. The Great American Wiknic (Wikipedia discussion)
  2. Wikipedia:Meetup/San Francisco/Wiknic/2013 (at Oakland's Lake Merritt) (Wikipedia discussion)
  3. The Great American Wiknic 2013 (around the nation) (Google search)
  4. Oakland Wiki, 2013-06-23 Wiknic

1.  Introduction

a.  The purpose of this bulletin is to share this morning's chance discovery of possible interest to readers, particularly public officials, entrepreneurs, and private citizens who find themselves engaged in trying to cause favorable changes in the social environment.

c.  I just found this, by random fortuitous chance, during my daily excursion through Wikipedia, the on-line encyclopedia.  Many cities are involved, across the nation, and are easy to find through the provided links.  I was delighted to find that one is to be close by, in Oakland.

c.  In future, other cities may climb on board, including ours.  The start of something really big?  Time will tell.

2.  Here are excerpts from the above references:

d.  The Great American Wiknic is an annual wiki-picnic held in cities across the United States on or around a common day every summer.  The Wiknic is the picnic anyone can edit, with people bringing their own picnic food and perhaps other items to share.

e.  Wiknics are:
  • Easy to organize, even for old Wikipedians
  • Welcoming to everyone, even for new Wikipedians and Wikipedian-wannabes
  • Fun!
  • In short, a Wiknic can be a great easy-in to real life Wikipedia culture, and lead to greater wiki-community and outreach in your corner of the country!
f.  The first national Wiknic was held in June 2011, and 16 cities took part with Wiknics large and small. June 2012 was a success as well, and now third time's a charm with Wiknic 3.0 June 2013.

g.  The Wiknic concept was:

3.  Understanding What This is About

h.  I still have to digest this, but I wanted to bring this information forward without delay.   IT LOOKS LIKE A GRAND TIME FOR A SUMMER SUNDAY -- with possible future implications of significance.


i.  One clue came from this 2011 Washington Post link -- "A Wiki-Picnic for online encyclopedia editors."  As I indicated in the recent PCJ (blog) article, "THE RELIABILITY OF WIKIPEDIA: A Closer Look," we are all potential on-line editors and, thus, stand to gain from this rare opportunity to interact with others who share our interests and sense of curiosity and community.

j.  Here is an excerpt from the Oakland Wiki page, which further clarifies things:
  • Join all kinds of wiki enthusiasts, Oakland Wikiers, Wikipedians and beyond, for this year's Wiknic 2013!
  • The Wiknic is a global annual tradition put on by Wikipedia volunteers to bring together volunteers who live near each other so that they can meet. 
  • This year, things are spicing up as Wikipedians and Oakland Wikiers will be co-organizing the event. 
  • Get ready for a cross-pollination of ideas and interests! 
  • We all have a lot in common, and this year's event will be the perfect start to getting acquainted and start collaborating!
k.  More to follow, I'm sure.

David Nelson

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