Monday, June 3, 2013

EAST COUNTY Could Use a "CRUCIBLE," I think

Posted:  18 Jan 13

Another good reason to get to know 
that very special class of life-friend 

1.  My life has become so much richer, just walking down the street, meeting neighbors and developing deeper friendships -- and making common cause.   And, on Facebook -- making new friendships with close and more distant neighbors -- is another golden, highly rewarding treat!  My frequent visits with all of them (electronically and face-to-face) is an enormous source of power, stimulation, wisdom, bright ideas, and just, plain ol' good times and fun!  I think they all help make me a better man than I might otherwise be -- and I thank them, dearly.

2.  One such happy result -- in this great chain-reaction, called life -- came from a dear friend and neighbor taking me on a ride to West Oakland, to 7th Street, across from the BART station -- to see the marvelous "THE CRUCIBLE."  They were putting on a spectacular wood-working show, at the time.

It's a facility that places the heavier industrial arts 
into the hands of us who would be unable to "scratch the itch*" in any other way.

3.  Artisans, Hobbyists*, and all who thirst to discover, develop, and/or release their creative impulses, in a material way, need to know about this place -- they have the equipment and willingness to teach all sorts of interesting and practical and whimsical things -- and provide to you the means to convert that knowledge into finished products.  For example:
  • Black smithing and welding and metal working
  • Glass working -- melting and blending, reshaping in all sorts of gorgeous, fascinating ways
  • Wood working
  • And much more.  Here, click their link and see for yourselves (this sends you to their "about" page, but from there, you might go on to their front door by clicking their "home" page)
4.  Here's an excerpt from their "about" page:
  • The Crucible is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts education organization that fosters a collaboration of arts, industry, and community.  
  • Through training in the fine and industrial arts, The Crucible promotes creative expression, reuse of materials, and innovative design, while serving as an accessible arts venue for the general public in the Bay Area. 
  • Known for one-of-a-kind industrial arts education programs.
  • The Crucible is also highly regarded for its innovative performances.


West Contra Costa County is lucky, since they're fairly close to the facility -- but I'll bet that they and the rest of the County would be happy if something like that could be planted, say, in East County.

I imagine a lot of businesses, would-be businesses, or folks who just want another way to show what's inside -- would find great value in such a happy event as having our very own.  I can already think of large, open, industrial land, where they could fit in, nicely.  (At least now, more of us know that such as this is within 30 or so miles, inside our huge neighbor, Oakland)

The world needs and desperately wants all the beauty it can get!
And, there's so much of it, just waiting to be unlocked!

*By the way, if you haven't found a hobby that "lights your fire," you might find this blog article helpful.  It tries to give you easy access to the world's ENTIRE LIST OF RECOGNIZED HOBBIES from which to choose and get rolling -- or you can invent your own.  Happy puttering around and "rebooting" your spiritual computers!

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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