Thursday, June 27, 2013

VETERANS: East Bay Veterans Fair - Concord -- 7/15 /13/MON/ 9:00am to 2:00pm

Posted:  27 Jun 13

Dear Veteran,

I am inviting you to VetCon.

This year, East Bay Veterans Fair presents VetCon, a free event for Veterans and their families to connect with employers, educational institutions, community resources, VA resources, and other Veterans.
The event will be held at the Concord Hilton Hotel on Monday July 15th from 9am – 2pm.
This year’s event will also feature workshops on:
  • What is Going On? An Update on Federal and State Legislation
  • How to Develop a Successful Claim
  • How to Use Social Media to Develop a Network
  • The Secrets of the HR Process
  • And More…..

 I am very excited about this year’s event and I look forward to seeing you and your family there.

Nathan D. Johnson
Veterans Service Officer
Contra Costa County
10 Douglas Dr. Suite 100
Martinez, CA 94553

East Bay Veterans Fair
Presents VetCon
Monday, July 15th 2013  
Concord Hilton

Friday, June 21, 2013

GREAT AMERICAN WIKNIC 2013 -- Oakland: Lake Merritt - 6/23/13/Sun/ 12:34 pm

Posted:  21 Jun 13


  1. The Great American Wiknic (Wikipedia discussion)
  2. Wikipedia:Meetup/San Francisco/Wiknic/2013 (at Oakland's Lake Merritt) (Wikipedia discussion)
  3. The Great American Wiknic 2013 (around the nation) (Google search)
  4. Oakland Wiki, 2013-06-23 Wiknic

1.  Introduction

a.  The purpose of this bulletin is to share this morning's chance discovery of possible interest to readers, particularly public officials, entrepreneurs, and private citizens who find themselves engaged in trying to cause favorable changes in the social environment.

c.  I just found this, by random fortuitous chance, during my daily excursion through Wikipedia, the on-line encyclopedia.  Many cities are involved, across the nation, and are easy to find through the provided links.  I was delighted to find that one is to be close by, in Oakland.

c.  In future, other cities may climb on board, including ours.  The start of something really big?  Time will tell.

2.  Here are excerpts from the above references:

d.  The Great American Wiknic is an annual wiki-picnic held in cities across the United States on or around a common day every summer.  The Wiknic is the picnic anyone can edit, with people bringing their own picnic food and perhaps other items to share.

e.  Wiknics are:
  • Easy to organize, even for old Wikipedians
  • Welcoming to everyone, even for new Wikipedians and Wikipedian-wannabes
  • Fun!
  • In short, a Wiknic can be a great easy-in to real life Wikipedia culture, and lead to greater wiki-community and outreach in your corner of the country!
f.  The first national Wiknic was held in June 2011, and 16 cities took part with Wiknics large and small. June 2012 was a success as well, and now third time's a charm with Wiknic 3.0 June 2013.

g.  The Wiknic concept was:

3.  Understanding What This is About

h.  I still have to digest this, but I wanted to bring this information forward without delay.   IT LOOKS LIKE A GRAND TIME FOR A SUMMER SUNDAY -- with possible future implications of significance.


i.  One clue came from this 2011 Washington Post link -- "A Wiki-Picnic for online encyclopedia editors."  As I indicated in the recent PCJ (blog) article, "THE RELIABILITY OF WIKIPEDIA: A Closer Look," we are all potential on-line editors and, thus, stand to gain from this rare opportunity to interact with others who share our interests and sense of curiosity and community.

j.  Here is an excerpt from the Oakland Wiki page, which further clarifies things:
  • Join all kinds of wiki enthusiasts, Oakland Wikiers, Wikipedians and beyond, for this year's Wiknic 2013!
  • The Wiknic is a global annual tradition put on by Wikipedia volunteers to bring together volunteers who live near each other so that they can meet. 
  • This year, things are spicing up as Wikipedians and Oakland Wikiers will be co-organizing the event. 
  • Get ready for a cross-pollination of ideas and interests! 
  • We all have a lot in common, and this year's event will be the perfect start to getting acquainted and start collaborating!
k.  More to follow, I'm sure.

David Nelson

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Posted:  22 Jan 13


That Amanda Daoud is House Manager for MAYA-Pittsburg and our regular contact there.  Today, she mentioned that all the theater's managers will be attending tonight's ceremony at City Hall!

She also asked me to let you know a few things about their plans to make February as enjoyable as possible.


"1st Annual Sweetheart Dinner and a Movie on Valentine's Night. It is $45 a couple and will be catered by Little J's of Pittsburg." [Little J's is that neat little sandwich shop, next to "the 7-11", and which serves awesome food -- my favorite; Tri-tip hoagie with perfect fries. (and no, I don't get paid to tell you about the good things I happen to find -- have to be objective)]


Thursday evenings/Saturday mornings/Sat. "breakfast club"

"Also, we are starting back up with our Retro Movies, but next month it is going to be a little different:"
  • "We are going to have it at 7 pm on Thursdays and 10 am on Saturdays. 
  • We will have free coffee and doughnuts or bagels for our Saturday guests. 
  • It will be sort of like a Breakfast Club. "
Retro Thursday's & Saturday's
for February

Breakfast at Tiffany's: *2/14 and 2/16

Titanic: 2/21 and 2/23

The Color Purple: 2/28 and 3/2/13 



David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

SUNSET PHOTO SAFARI CRUISE 7/15/Mon/ 6:00 PM, Bethel Island

Posted:  18 Jun 13

Monday July 15, 2013, 6:00 PM
3893 N Willow Rd., Bethel Island

Who is interested in joining other photographers and fans of delta waterway cruising on a photo safari adventure? We will board the very comfortable CAPTAIN MORGAN'S DELTA ADVENTURES "RoseMarie" a luxurious 55' houseboat, with full bar service. Feel free to bring your own snacks (food service isn't offered on this cruise). We'll be leaving from the dock of the RUSTY PORTHOLE BAR & GRILL on Bethel Island. They have a nice selection of sandwiches and other meals available there. Please keep in mind you need to arrive by 5:30 for a mandatory safety meeting so we can leave promptly at 6:00 PM. 

We'll cruise south toward Holland Riverside Marine so we can see the grounded USS Advance (a retired minesweeper). We'll continue south to the Orwood Railroad Bridge and have that bridge opened so we can pass under. Hard left, heading east down Railroad slew where we may see a train pass, and old pylons they use to support the railroad tracks. Then south a few hundred yards to an old house on the water (it's an island) that is built right out on the water. Who knows what wild life we will see along the way. Then back to Bethel Island for what should be about a two hour cruise. 

I'm talking to friends out on the island now for other photo opportunities. The San Joaquin Yacht Club (an old ferry boat) the new Bethel Island Bridge and the Golf course come to mind for early arrivals wanting to make a day out of it. 

Watch this page (on Facebook) for updates and ideas on what promises to be a wonderful Sunset Photo Safari Cruise. 

Tickets $30. If you are interested in joining us click the the Captain Morgans link above to register. We are limited to 30 passengers. This is a first come first served cruise. Sign up soon so you don't miss this very affordable adventure. 

New! 110 DEGREES MAGAZINE and EASTCOUNTYLIVE.COM will be hosting a PHOTO CONTEST. Photos and a feature story will be included in the annual November Artists of East County Edition of the Magazine. Contest rules to follow. 

If you have additional questions send me an email to or call (925) 325-0934. 

Captain Morgan's Delta Adventures in 110 Magazine 
Captain Morgan's Delta Adventures in Brentwood Press 
Facebook Event Page
Map of the Area 

If you are registered for this cruise and a photographer that wants to share a photograph and your contact information please email me. 

Frank MacCallister

Bookmark and Share 


Monday, June 3, 2013

EAST COUNTY Could Use a "CRUCIBLE," I think

Posted:  18 Jan 13

Another good reason to get to know 
that very special class of life-friend 

1.  My life has become so much richer, just walking down the street, meeting neighbors and developing deeper friendships -- and making common cause.   And, on Facebook -- making new friendships with close and more distant neighbors -- is another golden, highly rewarding treat!  My frequent visits with all of them (electronically and face-to-face) is an enormous source of power, stimulation, wisdom, bright ideas, and just, plain ol' good times and fun!  I think they all help make me a better man than I might otherwise be -- and I thank them, dearly.

2.  One such happy result -- in this great chain-reaction, called life -- came from a dear friend and neighbor taking me on a ride to West Oakland, to 7th Street, across from the BART station -- to see the marvelous "THE CRUCIBLE."  They were putting on a spectacular wood-working show, at the time.

It's a facility that places the heavier industrial arts 
into the hands of us who would be unable to "scratch the itch*" in any other way.

3.  Artisans, Hobbyists*, and all who thirst to discover, develop, and/or release their creative impulses, in a material way, need to know about this place -- they have the equipment and willingness to teach all sorts of interesting and practical and whimsical things -- and provide to you the means to convert that knowledge into finished products.  For example:
  • Black smithing and welding and metal working
  • Glass working -- melting and blending, reshaping in all sorts of gorgeous, fascinating ways
  • Wood working
  • And much more.  Here, click their link and see for yourselves (this sends you to their "about" page, but from there, you might go on to their front door by clicking their "home" page)
4.  Here's an excerpt from their "about" page:
  • The Crucible is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts education organization that fosters a collaboration of arts, industry, and community.  
  • Through training in the fine and industrial arts, The Crucible promotes creative expression, reuse of materials, and innovative design, while serving as an accessible arts venue for the general public in the Bay Area. 
  • Known for one-of-a-kind industrial arts education programs.
  • The Crucible is also highly regarded for its innovative performances.


West Contra Costa County is lucky, since they're fairly close to the facility -- but I'll bet that they and the rest of the County would be happy if something like that could be planted, say, in East County.

I imagine a lot of businesses, would-be businesses, or folks who just want another way to show what's inside -- would find great value in such a happy event as having our very own.  I can already think of large, open, industrial land, where they could fit in, nicely.  (At least now, more of us know that such as this is within 30 or so miles, inside our huge neighbor, Oakland)

The world needs and desperately wants all the beauty it can get!
And, there's so much of it, just waiting to be unlocked!

*By the way, if you haven't found a hobby that "lights your fire," you might find this blog article helpful.  It tries to give you easy access to the world's ENTIRE LIST OF RECOGNIZED HOBBIES from which to choose and get rolling -- or you can invent your own.  Happy puttering around and "rebooting" your spiritual computers!

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

CCC FAIR: Dia de la Fiesta de la Familia (6/2/Sun/ 10 to 9:30pm)

Posted:  2 Jun 13

Ref:  Facebook, Frank McCallister, publisher of



Saturday, June 1, 2013

PITTSBURG SWIMMING POOL: Weekends (til 6/8) & Wed - Sun (6/12 - 8/25)

Posted:  1 Jun 13

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.


Posted:  1 Jun 13

ON WIKIPEDIA -- the online encyclopedia
Are we wise to allow ourselves this luxury? YES!


To increase public perspective on the quality of this popular, crucial online informational resource -- so that it can be used more confidently and advantageously.


More and more, we are consulting Wikipedia to find answers to many of the questions that pop up during the day. But, how can we be sure that the information is sound? The short answer is that, if the matter under investigation is critical, it is prudent to consult a number of references. But, if there is no opportunity for that, can we reasonably count on Wikipedia? I think the short answer is a resounding "yes."

Never before has our entire species been able to collaborate, so easily, on the maturation of the great Human Knowledge Base (HKB) -- and I think that's grand!

Here's what I've found, so far.


1.  THE POWER OF COLLECTIVE WISDOM:  It's pretty well known that Wikipedia can be modified by anyone -- and that is the beauty of it -- for there is a collective genius comprised of the fragments of wisdom each of us contain and are developing.

Everyone has something to bring to the table.  And, Wikipedia is proving this, convincingly.

2.  THE "PURITY" OF THE INFORMATION:  However, not everything we bring to the table is likely to be wholesome.  Knowing this truth can certainly shake our confidence.  What's to say that a vandal couldn't go in and corrupt the information?  And the answer, I think, is brilliant -- resting on the integrity of the human species, as a whole -- the quality of the Wikipedia sytem -- and the prompt intervention of the better informed.

3.  HOW IT'S DONE:  Wikipedia is being regularly consulted and supported by nearly a billion souls.  Virtually every topic is watched by people who are interested in the topic and who possess expertise there.  Much like Facebook, they can be (and usually are) alerted when anyone makes a change -- and a review process tends to begin at once (with amazing speed) -- and false or erroneous information tends to be intercepted before it ever reaches our eyes.

And, before the incoming information is even accepted, there is a review process.  In other words, the collective wisdom comes into play and does its work, without undue delay.


THEREFORE:  Is it 100% reliable?  Few things achieve that distinction. One thing is certain -- the matter is treated seriously by these successful stewards of the HKB -- "the Wikipedians."  I have explored the question and, thus far, am content that this is a tool that we can rely on.  How much we should rely on it depends on our particular circumstances -- what we are trying to do and why.  I, for one, after this investigation, am even more content with this superb contribution to the common good.


I think you will find the following to be reassuring. I certainly do. Pay special note to how Wikipedia stands in comparison with the mighty Encyclopedia Britannica:

5.  A FAVORITE PARABLE -- the story of the line

Talking about the power of collective wisdom -- or teamwork applied:

  • There was a professor who was expounding to her class on teamwork.
  • She drew a line on the chalkboard and asked each person to guess the exact length of the line.   
  • Some guessed too high, some too low -- no one hit it exactly.
  • Then she AVERAGED their answers and came out with the EXACT ANSWER.  
It took the combination of mental power, pulling this way and that, to produce the desirable result.

  • Can we repeat this experiment and get the same result?  
  • Try it.  
  • However, the main point is the main point.

David Nelson

June at Pittsburg Farmers' Market

Posted: 1 Jun 13

Here is the PFM Facebook page

Pittsburg Farmers' Market                       June 2013
apricots livermore 3
Summer Shenanigans!
In This Issue

Summer Squash
Foodie Festivals
Market Highlights
Market Events
Cookin' the Market
Fresh Approach
Father's Day Recipes
What's in Season

 Facebook Badge-Tomato 

Foodie Festivals

Crawdad Festival
Friday to Sunday, June 14 to 16, Isleton. Crawdads, jambalaya, gumbo, and more food and drink. Great music, a carnival and kids’ activities, a 5K run, and vendor booths. Sponsored by the Isleton Chamber of Commerce and Budweiser, Southwest Airlines, 95.3 KUIC, and the Contra Costa Times.

The Golden Glass
Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:00pm to 5:00pm, 11:00am-1:00pm, City View at the Metreon, 135 4th Street, 4th floor, San Francisco. The Golden Glass is a lively gastronomic and educational event featuring local and international sustainable wines complemented by culinary delights from the Bay Area's top restaurants and artisan producers. Golden Glass is the annual fund-raiser for Slow Food San Francisco.

Fresh Approach

June is a great month to get involved with Fresh Approach! Our Healthy Food/Healthy You classes, VeggieRx program, and “Freshest Cargo” mobile farmers’ market truck are up and running.

Interested in checking out one of our events that is open to the public? We’ll be at the Health Fair at The Garden Academy in Bay Point on Saturday, June 8th from 11am-2pm! This free celebration will have food samples, games, crafts, raffle prizes and much more. It’s located at 205 Pacifica Avenue in Bay Point right next to Riverview Middle School.

We’ll also be at the District 2 Health Fair on Saturday June 15th, from 10am to 2pm at Kaiser San Jose, at 250 Hospital Parkway. This free event will have live entertainment, kids’ activities, prizes, fresh fruits and vegetables, and more. Come stop by! Or, find out about our events by 
following us on Facebook!

What's in Season

Fruit: Apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, peaches, plums, raspberries, strawberries.

Vegetables: Artichokes, arugula, asparagus, avocados, beets, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collards, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, green beans, herbs, kale, leeks, lettuce, longbeans, mushrooms, onions, peas, potatoes, spinach, summer squash, tomatoes.
Coming Soon: Bell peppers, corn, melons.

►Pick up a copy of "Summer Produce Selection & Storage" at your farmers' market information booth to learn how to keep summer fruits and vegetables at their best.

Pittsburg Farmers' Market
Saturdays, 9am to 1pm, May 4 to October 26,
Old Town Plaza, Railroad and 6th.

If you don't already receive this monthly email newsletter, sign up today!

Market Highlights

Diablo Creek Apiary
Sweet local honey and honeysticks in a wide variety of floral and clover flavors. Make a summer marinade for your next barbecue!

Stackhouse Brothers: April Glo and Arctic Gold nectarines, Super Lady peaches, and lots more stonefruit as the season progresses. Stop by for some of their delicious almonds.

G&S Farms: Awesome Brentwood sweet corn has returned, perfect for Father's Day on the grill.

BerryLicious: It's just not summer without a big bowl of fresh strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Delish!

Beckmann's Old World Bakery: Their healthy whole grain and whole wheat breads are awesome, their marble rye to die for, and their cheese sourdough amazing. For a sweet treat try some of their pastries.

Fresh apricots are now available at your farmers’ market, a sure sign that summer is here. Gather them now and make some fresh fruit salads, apricot sherbet, or apricot preserves. Yum!

About 95 percent of the apricots grown in the U.S. come from California. Many different varieties grow in California, each with special characteristics.

The most prevalent varieties are the Poppys, Pattersons, Blenheims, Tiltons, and Castlebrites. The season usually runs from May through July.

Look for fairly firm, smooth, plump, well-formed fruit that has an orange-yellow to orange color. If the fruit is hard and tinged with green it won’t develop its full flavor. Fully ripe fruit is soft to the touch, full of juice, and should be eaten as soon as possible. More here..
Summer Squash

Summer squash tops the list of easy-to-prepare and good-for-you summer fare. A very prolific vegetable (remember all those zucchini your neighbors tried to pass on to you?), summer squash is a soft-shelled variety with thin edible skins and edible seeds, as compared to the hard-shelled winter squash with inedible skin. It has a tender flesh that requires only a short cooking time. It's available now through August or September.

And don’t forget you can eat squash blossoms! Squash Blossoms are the flowers from the squash. They come in varying shades of yellow and orange, with a flavor similar to the squash itself. Use as a garnish, either slivered or whole, for almost everything from soup to main dishes, stuff and grill them, or use them to add color and flavor to salads. Read more here...
Market Events

June 1 & 8: Enter to win a gift card to EJ Phair for Father's Day!

June 15: Bring the kids for some Father's Day card making and button making. Lots of fun for everyone!

June 22: Fine the secret word of the day on the market Facebook page and mention the word to the market manager for a free produce prize. While supplies last.
vert apricots

►Keep up-to-date! Check the farmers’ market Facebook page for event updates or changes.
annebussCookin' the Market -
Chef Anna Buss

Kohlrabi, a member of the brassica family, is one of those vegetables at the farmers’ market that people tend to look and think “what am I supposed to do with this? I don’t even know where to start.” In contrast to its perplexing appearance, preparing kohlrabi is actually very simple.

The flavor is mild and delicious; it tastes like the marriage of cabbage and broccoli with a kohlrabilittle bit more sweetness. The middle is crisp and hydrating which makes it easy to enjoy raw. You can also purée, roast, or sauté kohlrabi. Don’t forget to blanch the leaves and add them to your dish for more kohlrabi goodness.

Next time you are at the farmers’ market make it a point to try something different, you may just stumble on your new favorite vegetable!

►Look for recipes, cooking tips, tricks, and more on the Cookin' the Market Facebook page!

"The changing of the seasons provides us with the unique opportunity to buy a variety of fantastic foods that are only available during that season. Seasonal foods offer a natural diversity that we should take advantage of when eating holistically for both our health and the health of our planet. There is nothing better than eating a juicy organic summer peach, vine-ripe heirloom tomato, or sweet strawberry grown by a local farmer that you know by name."*

The best thing about summer produce is that you will find varieties of fruits and vegetables you won't find in the grocery store! Many of these old heirloom varieties do not travel well and therefore are found at the local level. They were not bred to travel thousands of miles! Blenheim apricots are a prime example of produce that is found locally. Many types of heirloom tomatoes or interesting summer squash have varieties best purchased and eaten locally. So get out there and try some yummy heirloom produce with honest-to-goodness flavor!

*Shelley Alexander, CHSF, eatlocallygrown.

Dinner for Dad
Keep it simple for Father's Day with great grilling recipes, plus side recipes and dessert recipes guaranteed to please.

Plank-Grilled Sweet Soy Salmonsoy salmon

Spicy Grilled Zucchini

Grilled Herbed Potatoes & Onions

Grilled Peaches with Brown Sugar

More delicious recipes can be found at


Pacific Coast Farmers Markets
5060 Commercial Circle, Ste. A
Concord, California 94520
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