Thursday, March 22, 2012

DISASTERS -- "ARkStorm," The More You Know, The Better

ARkStorm: California’s Other 'Big One'

Ref:  (a) ScienceDaily (Jan. 17, 2011)
         (b) ArkStorm article, Wikipedia 

To bring to your attention another set of reasons for every citizen to take the CERT program seriously... the ARkstorm phenomenon.



    Excerpt from Reference (a)

    ~~  "For emergency planning purposes, scientists unveiled a hypothetical California scenario that describes a storm that could produce up to 10 FEET of rain, cause extensive flooding (in many cases overwhelming the state's flood-protection system) and result in more than $300 billion in damage..."

    Excerpt from Reference (b)

    ~~  "An ARkStorm (for Atmospheric River 1000 Storm) is a hypothetical but scientifically realistic "superstorm" scenario developed and published by the United States Geological Survey, Multi Hazards Demonstration Project (MHDP). 
    ~~  It describes an extreme storm that may likely impact much of California causing up to $725 billion in damages and repair (most caused by flooding), and affect a quarter of California's homes.
    ~~ The event would be similar to intense California storms which occurred in 1861 and 1862.[1]. 
    ~~ The name ARkStorm is also meant to be drawn as a parallel to the biblical Noah's Ark story."



      WHILE WAITING FOR THE NEXT CLASS (September 2012), find CERT-team neighbors and start thinking seriously, NOW.

      LEARN & PREPARE, on your own and with your neighbors.  Explore the FEMA site and drill down.  Carefully examine our East County CERT site.  Take notes.  Develop a plan.  Test and Practice the Plan -- 'till it's almost automatic.

      PARTICIPATE, AS "VICTIMS" during City-wide drills and exercises, at every opportunity -- and learn.  After training, become rescuers.

      Help Others to Do the Same. 
      Then, Quickly Recover, Together
      To Continue Growing an
      Bettering Our World.

      "Keep on keeping on"
        David Nelson

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