Thursday, May 19, 2011

City of Pittsburg: City of Pittsburg Announces Seleciton of New City Manager

City of Pittsburg Announces Seleciton of New City Manager
Posted Date: 5/19/2011


Contact: Marc Fox
Assistant City Manager - Internal Services
(925) 252-4876

May 19, 2011

Mayor Will Casey announced the selection of Joseph Sbranti as the next City Manager following the retirement of Marc Grisham.  Mr. Sbranti has served the City for the past fourteen (14) years and presently serves as the Assistant City Manager for Development Services and City Engineer. Development Services includes the City's engineering, building inspection, planning, and redevelopment agency departments.

Mayor Casey noted that the City received seventy-seven (77) applicants from across the country. "The high quality of the applicants," Casey noted "is a continuing affirmation that Pittsburg is a desirable place in which to live, work, and do business."

"I'm excited that the City Council has offered me this challenging role in support of our community," said Mr. Sbranti. "For many years now the City of Pittsburg has provided highly responsive and quality public services. I look forward in continuing this tradition of support to the City Council and the community."

The City Council has tasked the Mayor with negotiations of Mr. Sbranti's salary. The City Manager employment contract will be presented to the full City Council for a public vote tentatively set for the June 6 City Council meeting. Mr. Sbranti will assume his new role as City Manager shortly thereafter.

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